Sunday, September 27, 2009

Many Moons

I am having a very stupid day. I have done this post about four times and each time, I push one wrong button and it disappears into that outer space continuium we are attempting to show in this challenge.

This is hand painted with thickened dyes....first attempt. Fun and maybe again sometime.

Comments are very welcome.

Sea Ranch Carol


  1. Oh Carol, believe me when I say, you are NOT the first or only one to have problems posting to the blog...LOL I think more than a few of us have been there.

    I think your piece is very striking. I have never tried thickened dyes but it is on my 'must do' list. Your quilting is so effective, especially the background lines pulling you into 'deep space'. What if you add some metallic or rayon threads in a deeper value to add texture and dimension?
    Good job!

  2. I like this minimized concept of space. I like your overlaps to help show depth and that your 'ray' is not dead center. The only suggestion is that I like the squares that remind me of farm fields but wonder what it would have looked like if you had rounded the horizon and used perspective on the squares. Good job!

  3. Carol, this is very striking and the quilting really compliments the piece. I'm a bit distracted by the black and white in the corner, what if it was subdued a little? Or perhaps you are making a bold statement. Going to have to try those thickened dyes - nice job.

  4. Carol, I really like the design of this piece. It has a good, strong focal point, but lots of interest elsewhere, too. I really like the black and white checkerboard, although I think Janice had an interesting idea about skewing those to show perspective. Did you dye the piece all at once, or do individual colors separately? Also, did you quilt first and then dye? I've done that before and found it a nice change.

  5. Hi Carol, It's fun to see someone doing a graphic stylized piece...good job! I'm wondering if the red spike and the checkerboard are competing for the focal point? Also,there are 4 circles...2 of each same size. Would it be more interesting/balanced to add a 5th circle or to vary the sizes more?
    Just some random thoughts, it's fine as it is

  6. Hi Carole, I think your overlapping circles are very effective and your quilting truly enhances the entire piece. Good work!

    Pat Havey

  7. Hi Carole - It is full of color and energy, has lots of good quilting that makes it move. I like the black and white squares but like Janice's idea of skewing them and giving another curved area. Good work!

  8. Nice color and shapes but I too wonder about the black and white woven strip.

    I need to experiment with hand painting dyes after quilting.

    Look forward to seeing more of your work.


  9. I love the graphic quality of this piece. Your quilting definitely enhances this. Great job!

  10. I love the graphic quality of this piece. Your quilting definitely enhances this. Great job!


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