Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Morning's Moon Set

This piece was my first attempt at using sheer fabrics. The photo underneath was taken as the moon was setting one wonderful morning. I was trying to capture the rosy-apricot still calm of the morning. I used organza overlay and silk transparent ribbon. There is some novelty yarn at the horizon line which provides some texture. The piece is 9" by 11". This was a good exercise for me to get over my "fear" of Sheer.....LOL. Your comments are most welcome. Clearly I need to do a better job of taking the photo straight...Donna


  1. Hi Donna, glad you could join us! This is very pretty with those interesting colorful fabrics. The fringe-like yarn at the horizon make it look wind blown...cool effect. I'm wondering if the yellowish fabric detracts a bit...it's lighter value and longer length creates a vertical line that competes with the horizonals. Perhaps if the top part and/or the seam there was blended in value and/or color with the top strip?
    I like the orange pleated fabric at the bottom...nice texture and color and well blended and it adds to the horizontal layers.
    Great job, I look forward to seeing more of your work!

  2. Donna, I like the softness of this piece. A certain quiet..... don't be afraid, we're here to support each other.

  3. Hi Donna,
    thanks for joining in so soon. I like what you have tried to do. I think the various textures you added in the lower portion create good horizontal layers.

    What do you think about continuing that horizontal texturing on the top by using strips of organza applied horizontally. I am not sure if you have silk organza or synthetic and what colours, but you could do one or 2 whispy cloud-like textured horizontal lines starting around the top of the inset image. I am thinking more to the left, to sort of balance the interesting section on the right near the centre. It might help blend that vertical line.

    you can tear strips of the organza treat them like they were novelty yarns or catch them down the centre with invisible thread, so the raw edges float free.

    I love your selection of fabrics to respresent the sunrise. Did you hand dye them or paint them or are they the colours of the organzas?
    I also really like the mood of the piece. It makes me want to get up early to witness the peacefulness.

  4. Donna... this is a lovely soft and 'glowy' piece, so glad you decided to just jump in.
    My thoughts echo the others, and a blending of the long piece on the left with the other colors could be done with somthing organza in the colors on the right.
    Looking forward to seeing more of your work.

  5. very interesting piece. I love the texture you created with the yarns and tucked fabric. I'm always odd man out and think your long vertical on the left is a nice balance to the horizontals. IMHO the long feathery yarn that runs the full horizontal could be broken up since it appears to cut the composition...but not so much that it isn't still a very successful piece. Great job!


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