Wednesday, October 28, 2009

After The Storm

This piece started with a picture I took of a baby bird after it spent the day, with its parents' very vocal encouragement, learning to fly across the back yard. It finally managed to make it to the top of the fence, and I was able to snap a great pic.

I photoshopped the picture to create a rainbow set of birds, then printed it onto fabric. I used trapunto to make the birds puffier and gave them some texture with thread painting, then sandwiched and quilted the piece and touched up the eyes and beaks with paint.

This is a small project (10" x 12") and was intended to be a quick project, but it took longer than I thought--that's ok, though, since I had fun with it!


  1. I love the birds in rainbow colors, and the quilting on the fence is lovely. Part of me feels a bit disappointed that the rest of the piece is so realistic. I can see that you might have wanted that contrast, but I would have liked to have the whole quilt convey that same sense of whimsy that's in the line up of birds.

  2. I really like the angled line created by the birds and the fence. And that vegetation framing the upper left is very nice.

    I am not sure that I am in love with the blue border as it is so bright that my eye gets drawn to it. I think a color that is in the quilt would create more of a movement back and forth. I hope I have said that right.

  3. Lori, YES! I know exactly what you mean; I had the same inclination to pull the birds off of the fence and put them in a much more whimsical setting. It's something I think I'll come back to and play with some more. And I agree, Gerrie; I had a terrible time picking a border--it needed something, but I couldn't figure out what, so I used the blue by default. Thanks for your comments!

  4. Hi Michelle, this is the sweet little birds!

  5. Since I am a bird lover anyway I was really drawn to this. The little birds look just like they should, hungry and wondering why they are where they are and when the food is coming. I'm not as distracted by the background or the fence looking more realistic. I think this helps hold your attention on the birds. The blue however is a bit strong. Would heavier quilting in a muted color help lighten it? Or how about a mesh overlay to lighten it a bit? When you tire of it I'll be glad to take it off your hands!

  6. I love this piece! Wouldn't it be a wonderful world if we could all look out our windows and see something like this? The hint of trees in the background is very effective and not at all overwhelming. As to the blue border, if it were mine, I might do a little dry-brushing with maybe a light lavender/orchid color to tone it down some. Love the stripy border...perfect edge. Gail M

  7. I like the birds and their tentative first flight look. Agree with the earlier comment about the blue border. Maybe it needs something more subtle?

  8. Great composition! The birdies are so cute! Colots are terrific. Well done!

  9. Love the whole piece, the angle, the colors, the great quilted sky and fenceposts. The fenceposts have great depth, as do the leaves. What a bunch of cuties. Great job.

  10. Adorable. Love the look of the central design. Like most others, IMO the hard borders are a bit off with the organic feel of the photo; unless you intended this to really look like a picture frame?

  11. Great layout- really catches the eye. the birds are quirky and have lots of wonderful detail. The blue border seams too intense, perhaps shading like the birds would be more in keeping with the feel of the piece.

  12. I love the layout and the color this piece. The view point really draws me into the whole scene. I find the trees a bit distracting - maybe because they are so brown. The birds are so pretty - it makes ya wonder where they are off too!

  13. What sweet little birds, I can almost hear them singing. Your coloring of the birds is wonderful, and reminiscent of the good old color wheel. Kinds of makes me think they all hatched from some brightly colored Easter eggs. Perhaps the border could be muted a bit with adding some brown to it. Just a thought.

  14. I love your rainbow birds. Great sense of rhythm. Very sweet.

  15. Hi Michelle - The baby birds are delightful - I love Joni's comment about the coming from Easter eggs. I find the background to be just right. It adds to the piece without taking it over.

    I seem to be on an "I hate borders" soap box so I might as well jump on it again. I think this piece would be much better with no border at all. It could be matted and framed or just simply faced. That of course is just my opinion - your mileage may vary!

  16. Ah, this one makes me smile. Great birds.

  17. I really like this. Great idea and well executed, but I agree that the border is too crisp for the softer feeling of the picture.

  18. This is a delightful piece. I love the thread painting, the little tufts on their heads and the wonderful colors!

  19. Adorable piece, just nicely done


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