Friday, October 02, 2009

Challenge 37

After about 30 tries I finally figured out that I have to accept terms of service in order to post my photo. Sooo here it is. I used hand dyed and commercial fabric, including velvets and sheers. I used raw edge applique, and free motion and satin stitches.


  1. I love this. The colors make me happy. And so does the sun or moon which is not completely revealed.

  2. I especially like the way the border interacts with the center of this piece. Your use of the same colors and the circles that look like planets was an excellent choice.

  3. Nice color choices. also the long lines with the circles make for a good contrast.

  4. This looks like the sunrise with the stars still lingering around the preriphery. I love the wispy clouds(?). Lovely color contrast. Good job.

  5. Hi Brenda, very cool piece. I like the variations in the fabric, like horizons. My only comment is about might be nice to have some light lights and dark darks somewhere. What if the sun or moon had light clouds instead of the darker ones...would the sun be a stronger focal point?
    Glad you could participate...I'll look forward to seeing more of your work.

  6. Great composition. I like the almost abstract feel. Great use of complementary colors.

  7. Hi Brenda - I'm glad you didn't give up on posting your work. I really like what you've done. I'm not usually a big fan of borders but I think this one really works. Actually, I guess I think the whole thing works. Cool!

  8. Makes me happy. Great use of color.


  9. Pam's right, a very happy piece. I love your choice of fabric.


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