Friday, October 23, 2009

Challenge 38 - Sluggish

So my piece for Challenge 38 is Sluggish. I'm not sure if a slug technically falls into the Animal Kingdom but I'm sticking with it.

The background is pieced with my hand dyed fabrics - it is suppose to be a mossy pathway - the slug has three layers of batting and a cotton ball for his head. The slug is actual size. He is beaded followed by a beautiful beaded slug slim. The finished size is 15 inches by 13 inches.

In Rainy Seattle - where the Slugs are munching in the garden.

Updated 10/28
Ok so taking some advice regarding the composition of the slug - I added an green leaf for lunch - changed the orientation of the quilt. Please let me know what you think now.


  1. Clever, Lisa! I love the reflective nature of the reminds me of glistening wet tiles! Chris

  2. Love your background and that you angled it on the piece. Nice contrast to the slug and slime.

  3. Hi Lisa, Gorgeous background and beautifully constructed. The only comment I have is about the slug. It's just a bit static and non-organic...perhaps more curve or irregular edge to the slug or less straight lines for the beading...or a slight shadow on the background? What if there were a couple more slugs? I know slugs don't hang out in groups...but with our artistic license, we can do anything! I always think an artful composition is more important than portraying how things really are.
    I think you are so strong in your backgrounds and construction...I would love to see you concentrate on the composition...I think it would bring your work to a new level.
    So glad you're doing another year with us!

  4. I like your pathway and the 'slime' trail the slug is leaving. Perhaps less noticible lines on the slug would have been better and some leaves coming in from the sides over the walkway to make it look like the green, wet Seattle that you live in. And I know how big your slugs can get out there!

  5. How fun Lisa! I agree, your pieced background is wonderful!
    What if you angle your slug slightly to the right or left? The position he's in (why do I 'assume' a slug should be a 'he'? LOL), he appears to be standing upright on the tile. It just feels sort of un-natural to me.

  6. Wonderful it feels right. Love the addition of the leaf as well

  7. Lisa, I think your changes improve the piece. Good job!

  8. The addition of the leaf and the new orientation really makes this piece pop. Man that looks like a real slug trail, yuck! Great work.

  9. With the addition of "lunch" everything is better!. I like your background, it is subtle but adds interest. Your changing the orientation is an improvement too, as now the slug is coming into one's focus as opposed to leaving it. Nice work!

  10. Hi Lisa - I absolutely love your choice of subject matter - of all the critters in the world why not a slug?? I think the background is excellent and the addition of the leaf gives the composition a lot more interest. Cool!

  11. Lisa--_I love the pastel crazy patch style background and how it contrasts with the slug.


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