Thursday, October 22, 2009

Deep Space - WIP

Here is Deep Space. It is not finished. I am struggling with this. It is okay, but not wonderful. I used sequined and beaded fabric for the background which was not a Good Idea. When I finally got the bits under the planets and sun removed, they went flat and lost life. But I couldn't fuse them to the beads and sequins, nor could I just stitch them bumpily on there. I have put a facing on, although it needs stitching down in back. Because I already spent ages taking beads off the front, I didn't take them out of the SA when I stitched the facing on, and even through I was careful...I broke 3 needles!

So I am coming for advice.
I know how I want to quilt the sun, but any advice on how to quilt the planets?
Any advice on how to get it to be alive and not flat looking?
Shall I put it in the cupboard with the other space one from sometime back and hope I like it better in a year or so? LOL


  1. Yikes! I hate to be the first crit but I'm short on time...gotta start the next challenge! I love your background and you were so brave to try it. I would quilt the background with big stitches similar to your basting. That's a nice contrast to the bead lines. For the planets I would probably take some tulle, stitch it the way I want the planets to look and then attach it. That would give you quilting stitches without the bead problem. Can't wait to see how this comes out.

  2. Hi Sandy, this has got some interesting potential...what you do next could liven it up alot. The one thing that comes to there something you could do to unify the separate elements? Perhaps some swirling gases, shooting stars or exploding meteors...or some overall quilting in silver thread?


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