Saturday, October 31, 2009

The Hunter and the Hunted

This was a really fun challenge for me. I have taken several classes on free-motion embroidery and decided it was time to try it. The wolf is entirely done free-motion, I did layer fabric behind the threads, that was to tell me where the color change or the eyes/nose etc. were. Once the wolf was done, what do you do with him? So put him on a green background and added a tree which gave the wolf a "home". The quilting is all done free motion as well. I truly had fun on this !
Love to hear your critiques, thanks, Jeanne


  1. Wow, Jeanne, this is awesome!

  2. the wolf is beautiful! Great work!I like the composition, too, with the verticals of different weights to balance and set off the gorgeous wolf.

  3. I agree with the above...simply wonderful! How many different threads did you use in the wolf?

  4. Wow! those classes really paid off - I want to know how long it took you! WOW!

  5. Glorious! The thread work is very well blended and looks very natural. I like the 3-D effect created by the leaves. However, to my eye, since they're shiny they distract a bit. Would you consider making them a little more matte in appearance?

  6. Hi Jeanne, Gorgeous work on the wolf...what a look in his eyes...a quiet but menacing feel to he is watching and waiting to make a move.
    What are the leaves made of? In the close up they look like plastic or silk leaves. They seem to be a bit incongruous in texture and feel. Would a couple dimensional fabric leaves be better...or maybe just the stark tree with no leaves? It looks like the wolf has his winter coat, so no leaves might fit better. One thing about the tree branches...there is one that looks like it is going into the wolf's throat and distracts a bit from the composition. The animal is beautifully done...just stunning

  7. Magnificent wolf! How long did he take and what size is your quilt? The tree is great for him to hide behind but I think the same as above that the leaves are a bit too distracting from the rest of your fabric composition.

  8. Hi Jeanne - The wolf is beautifully done. Your decision to have him looking out from behind the tree is very effective. I agree that the leaves don't seem to be in the same season as the winter-coated wolf. He could be standing beside a pine/fir tree of some sort and you could consider thread-painting bunches of needles. I think the green is a nice addition so that would be a way to include it while possibly removing the leaves. You could look at my owl in the pine tree to see some quilting of pine needles at

  9. Thanks all of you for your comments and suggestions. I knew that the leaves were just not right but thought it needed something. I think Robertas idea of the pine needles is wonderful and plan to do just that, not sure I can take out the branch going toward his chin but maybe the pine will help that as well. this quilt is 17" X 21.5". I had not planned for the wolf to look like he had a "winter" coat, around here they come in every color all year. I do appreciate all of your help to make him that much better!! A great big thanks to all of you! Jeanne

  10. Jeane, fantastic stitching. It certainly has depth and is just a stunning piece of work. I love his winter coat, it makes him look so realistic...great job!

  11. Beautiful wolf. I like how you have superimposed the tree branches over the wolf. Really makes him a part of the composition.

  12. Great thread work you should be proud of your first, it is well done.

  13. I love your wolf! Great job on the free-motion embroidery!

  14. Wolf is one of my favorite animals.... there is so much character in his face... fabulous thread work!

  15. Great job. Your thread work is lovely. Nice composition too. Well done.

  16. Amazing job on the threadpainting. You certainly learned your lessons well. You really captured his expression.

  17. Jeanne this is great, and so real looking. I am so glad I got to see it in person too.

  18. Nice work. I agree that the applied leaves detract from the piece. Let your thread work sing a solo on this one...IMO

  19. Jeanne,
    This is just stunning. A beautiful first effort.
    Elaine Koenig

  20. This is beautiful thread painting, and his eyes are very realistic.

    I really like this piece


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