Sunday, October 11, 2009

In a Galaxy Far, Far Away

This is my second challenge quilt and I really enjoyed this subject matter. I learned alot too. I discovered "Smart-ease" tm. and it really helped with the planet circles. I also got to try some thread blending which I learned about in a Carol Shinn class. This quilt is approx. 18" by 24" inches. The background is a hand-dyed batik. I loved playing with the embellishments of Swavarski chrystals, Angelina fibers and hand beading. I learned alot about composition and had alot of fun playing with my planets ! I was really inspired by the beautiful photos from the Hubble telescope. Donna of Sea Ranch


  1. Hi Donna, gosh, this is gorgeous...wonderful colors on an interesting background. Shows alot of depth with the spiral and the angelina fibers coming forward. Love the background with the beading and crystals. It's just beautiful...great job!

  2. VERY nice! I especially like the subtle but important way you used angelina fibers and crystals to bring this alive.

  3. Hi Dona,
    This is so beautiful! I especially love the stitching on the stars...lovely. Your spiral galaxy floats in that beautiful expanse of space...good job! I'm so happy to hear that others are as enthralled with the images on Hubble as I am.

  4. I love both the whole quilt - then the crop of the detail. It has series written all over it. I especially love the background you chose!

  5. Great use of the batik fabric background. I like the way you overlapped the two planets and balanced them by the swirly fabrics. I did find that the swirly part that went off the bottom made my eye keep going off the quilt in that direction. What did you use for the swirly part-just fabric? And what is smart-ease?

    Nancy Schlegel

  6. Lots have been said about your wonderful piece but I particularly like your choice of the batik for the background. It seems to be ready made for this.

  7. Hi Nancy
    Thank you your kind comments about my piece. The "swirly" part is from some commercial fabric I had and is overlaid with Anglina fibers. The Smart-ease is a product that is printed circles of different dimensions on a soft fiber (like fabric softner sheets) that can be used to make perfect circles. They are turned inside out and and appliqued on my piece.

  8. Nina
    Thank you for your comments.What did you mean about a series? Donna

  9. Hi Donna - sorry - just reading your question now - Here is a good blog on what I mean by series -
    Elizabeth, also wrote several other postings on how to get a series going. I'm doing one on arches.
    hope that helps!


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