Friday, October 30, 2009

Just Passing Through

My entry to challenge 38 is titled "Just Passing Through". Some quilts insist on being made - this was one of those for me. For those who don't have the time or inclination for the "why", the details are these: 22" wide x 18" high; trapunto-ed bear totem (creating reverse trapunto for the somewhat subtle bear footprints on the right); reverse applique in the arrow. Things I would do differently - I would limit the Seminole border to one pattern instead of four and I would be more careful about keeping the pieces symmetrical.
For those who want to know the story behind the quilt...
My husband and I jog every morning. Since I run twice as far as he does, we start out together and then go our separate ways. For me, that hour each morning is my most valuable design time and I have created at least 90% of my quilts to the rhythm of the run. Last Friday my thoughts were on the FFFC posted that morning by Cynthia. I kept considering possible designs and rejecting them - nothing seemed to be speaking to me. About three miles into my run I looked up and saw my husband headed my way and I knew something must be going on. When he reached me he started lecturing me about daydreaming and not paying attention to my surroundings. Indignantly I demanded to know why he thought that was the case. Instead of answering he pointed to the ground by my feet. There in the sand, as clear as could be, were two perfect, fresh sets of grizzly bear prints heading back in the direction from which I had come. It was obviously a mama and near grown cub and they had gone through Thursday night sometime. We followed the prints back about a half mile to our barbed wire fence and there we could see where they had gone through. There were big clumps of grizzly fur caught in the barbs. Following the tracks back the opposite direction we found that the two had passed pretty close to our house during the night but thankfully, unlike last year, this time they had not hurt any of our animals. I decided I was meant to do a bear totem quilt. I talked to the folks at Game and Fish to see if I could add a few strands of grizzly bear fur to the piece but, as I suspected, since they have recently been re-listed as an endangered species, even picking the fur off the fence would be illegal!


  1. You did great piecing on those seminole designs, and I also like the bear paw patterns in the corners. Interesting story!

  2. What a clever design! At first I found the arrow disconcerting, because it seemed to point at nothing, but when I looked at the large version of the pic I saw the paw prints. I thought about suggesting something to make those more obvious, but I think the subtlety fits perfectly with your story.

  3. The colors go well with the theme, and I love the way the Seminole borders pop. This is a great story which you will always remember when you look at this art piece.

  4. I like everything about this. I think the complexity of your seminole piecing really adds to the overall look.

  5. What an incredible story! Your bear totem looks like he's been carved out of stone...awesome! The borders are stunning. I love everything about this one :-)

  6. Hi Kathy - I am glad you told the story behind this quilt - it brings it all together. I'm just glad it wasn't you passing through the bear! I think this is a charming piece - the Seminole piecing is a nice addition and I think the subtle bear tracks are just right.

  7. Hi Kathy, Scary story...but you got a really good quilt out of it. The traditional seminole pieced borders and the bear paw corner blocks add wonderful interest and contrast with the contemporary feel of the bear totem. Wonderful use of color, too. Great job

  8. Very interesting composition. I am really glad you included the story, that makes it clearer. Great work.

  9. Super story... we had bears when I lived in CO.... and the Zuni bear totem is so loaded with symbolism. Nice job!

  10. WOW! I've had nightmares like that! Great Halloween story. Beautiful borders to set the bear. I have a similar bear in my collection made from horsehair and resin.

  11. Excellent rendition of those little amulets that Native Americans make. It is am excellent combination of traditional and artistic flare.

  12. Excellent rendition of those little amulets that Native Americans make. It is am excellent combination of traditional and artistic flare.


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