Saturday, October 31, 2009

Sweet Schnauzer
16" x 20"
fused, thread-painted, FMQ

This challenge came along about the same time that I had a commission to do a pet portrait of this special little dog. He was a much loved pet who died this past summer and two friends decided his owners needed a portrait. So I combined the Fast Friday Challenge and the commission. I finished the portrait including the quilting and a black border but failed to take a picture - something I rarely forget. So I'm posting the little fellow before the piece was finished. This photo was one of many I took to audition backgrounds - this was the winner! His owners loved the quilt as a remembrance of their precious little dog.

Your comments are always welcome. Thanks.


  1. So cute and realistic. I like the richness of the background fabric. The curved line in the background and the text add nice interest and texture.

  2. What an adorable little guy. I'm sure he is truly missed. Your thread painted is wonderful, and you captured you subject well. It's nice when our FFFC-s can bring comfort to someone else.

  3. Super sweet - I need to know more about the background. What does the text say?

  4. Thanks so much for your comments. Lisa - the background seems to be the type of everyday letters people used to write, nothing deep or meaningful. But I thought it added a sort of nostalgic note to the work. After it was all quilted it was even harder to read - just gave the impression of old letters.

  5. Oh Roberta, I just love this little guy. What a very special way to memorialize a loved friend!
    The wistful look in his eyes is so realistic...Nice work

  6. Great use of fabrics to create this little fellow! I really love it. He looks very realistic and sweet.

  7. Hi Roberta, great job on capturing the sweet dog with his unique coloring and markings. I'm the owners are thrilled.

  8. Great threadwork Roberta. I hope when I grow up I can do that threadwork like of some of you do :) I really like this, it is very realistic, you've certainly captured the soul of this pet :)

  9. What a beauty. I'm sure the new owners of this quilt are pleased.

  10. I love how you've used texture (polka dots, etc) in his face and coat. Great portrait! I'm so glad someone else did a dog!

  11. what an adorable piece. The new owners will certainly cherish this as a remembrance of their lost pet. The expression on his face is priceless!

  12. Love this Roberta. YOur pet portraits are just charming.

  13. What a charmer. I would love to have one just like him. I know his owners will love having his portrait.
    Elaine Koenig

  14. I love the workmanship and composition of the dog, The background needs some punch though. Too plain, brown or dull.


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