Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Elephants and Lions...Do You See A Zebra?

Elephants and Lions...Do You see a Zebra?I did reverse applique on the beige Lions and the grey Elephants...and cut the scraps into 2 1/2 inch squares sewed blocks 5x5 squares and cut the squares into circles...also cut circles in background using Cheryl Philips Cut Around tool sewing the patch circles into the background.

I finished the top on time....my hang up was what to bind with and how should I quilt this...I put it altogether and did my old stand by serpentine stitches vertical and horizontal...(use this a lot).We then went out of town for a few days and I finished the binding in the car....


  1. Hi Janice - This is a neat idea - cutting the focus fabric into squares and adding an abstract feel along with the more realistic animals. I think it turned out very well.

  2. Hi Janice, I like this piece with it's neutral colored animals against the colorful background. It's unusual and interesting in the layout which draws the viewer in....and there's a game involved in finding the zebra. Very clever!
    Good job!

  3. What an unusual piece! I really like how it almost gives the appearance of puzzles. Very clever, and I too like the bright background vs. the neutral animals. Gail M

  4. I like the way you mixed the two fabrics. Your quilting is similar to Susan Shie's wonky grid quilting. It's a quick way to contain the layers without detracting from the composition.

  5. Quilt zebras to carry your theme of hidden animals. Cool idea!


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