Monday, November 02, 2009

How's a Girl to Choose?

This was a fun challenge. Sorry the batteries were all gone and didn't get pics until today. Quilting will be done this week sometime. Didn't want to be too late again this month. The second photo shows the 3-D leaves that will be attached after quilting. They are now quilted onto fleece backing and really add some great dimension.

Started thinking about which animal print to use and wound up dipicting these tigers, each with different patterns. Hand dyed background and leaves. Commerical prints. Fused. Will post the finished quilt later.

Comments and critiques welcome and appreciated.


  1. I really like this piece! Great job! I think I like the cats without the leaves partially covering them. I think the leaves distract too much from the cats themselves hiding in the grass. Most cats live in savannah areas anyhow.

  2. With all those great animal prints I can see how you came up with the title for this piece. I like the tigers in the first view, same as Jan, but maybe since the second picture is a close up we are not seeing the real effect, or maybe when you add color and quilting to the leaves it will look more intriguing. This is a really cool entry and you have done a fantastic job.

  3. They look so very intellectual! Nice colors.... I'm wondering if you can add more grass since they look a little disembodied? Be sure to post the finished product! It will be fun to see how this evolves...

  4. Started the quilting this afternoon and am finding that the thread is shredding about every 3" of stitching! AAHHH! Frustrating to say the least. I quick search online and I think it might be the fusible I used. Steam a seam 2. Have tons left to me by my mom.

    Got any suggestions?

  5. (Figured I'm answer your question here). I use SteamASeam2 Lite for almost everything. No probs with shredding or sticky goo on my needle. I do find that it dries out and maybe yours has.... here in the desert, I only buy small amts at one time.... use it up and buy more. It has a limited shelf life. I also have and use Misty Fuse but find it much harder to work with, but it doesn't change the hand of the fabric.... but its very fussy! Try some new stuff and see what happens!

  6. I laughed out loud when I saw these big cats and the caption. I too prefer them without the 3D leaves, and agree about more grass to hide the floating heads. A great idea, and some cool cats!

  7. Hi Rhojo, This is very the big cats and that background fabric is great. I would add more foliage below the cats and nothing above. Outlining the cats in the black fabric was a great way to give them more definition...good job! About the fusing...yeah it does get old unfortunately. What kind of needle are you using? You might try an embroidery needle or topstitch needle. Using your walking foot on the fused parts might work better than free motion also. Good luck!

  8. I have to echo everyone else on the leaves, maybe if they were sheer? Or quilt leaves in the background? Neat piece!

  9. The background fabric on this is fantastic - perfect for a jungly feeling. And the cats faces are so expressive. Wish I could do such fussy work. I also like the way you added some red-brown(?) great depth. Gail M

  10. Nothing new to say here that hasn't already been said -- great cats, great background, and perhaps more grasses but fewer leaves.

  11. Hi Rhojo - The cats are a delight. Each has his own personality. I'm with the rest of the crew on not adding the big leaves - just some more grass spears so the heads aren't floating! Nice job!


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