Saturday, January 30, 2010

Ch 41- Hopi-Thunderbird

Hopi Thunderbird is my first try at Fractured art. My colors are green, red, and yellow. I wish I had better lighting for the photo as the dark green came out darker than it is, and the quilting does not show in the photo. The size is 11" x 14", in commercial fabrics, with hand-dyed silk ribbon and beading embellishments.
Thank you for this great challenge Jan. I look forward to comments as I learn a lot from them. LindaMac in WY


  1. I like your use of color....the little hand shape mimics the wings and that is eyecatching to me. I can see your echo quilting in the enlarged's a good choice. Your piece is attractive!
    Chris Predd

  2. I love your thunderbird. The colors and quilting truly enhance the original piece. I love the fact that you used such a basic amount of fracture. It truly enhabces rather than detractsl

    Pat Havey

  3. Well done Linda. I particularly like the circle behind the Thunderbird which moves him to the fore and the dark background does the same for the 'moon'. The quilting lines you chose are a complimentary fit as well.

  4. I like the way you have fractured the background and the thunderbird, great use of colors. Fantastic composition.

  5. This is oh so interesting! I love the textures and colors of fabrics and embellishments. Your design is excellent and the fractures follow throughout to add extra interest to the whole. Well done!

  6. Looking at the close-up, I can really enjoy the colors and the echo quilting. The fractures on this piece enhance the overall image.

  7. I like your piece and the fracturing and quilting are great! The circle behind the thunderbird further enhance his existence. Good job!

  8. The quilting is very cool works very well with the composition.

  9. Hi Linda, this has your signature Wyoming look to it...great job all round...color, fracturing and composition

  10. Thank you all for taking the time to comment. I love this group!

  11. What beautiful fabrics you've used here! The quilting is very nice, too. The fracturing is subtle but definitely noticeable. Nice job!

  12. Linda, wonderful thunderbird! I like the strong graphics on the bird itself, and they are amplified by the fracturing. The complementary colors work well too. Very nice.


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