Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Challenge 40 Done!

Well, I'm finally trying to get back into doing the challenges... I did this yesterday, and thought I would have it done and posted before the next challenge was announced, but... yesterday was the 4th Friday.... Maybe I'll get that one done on time??? Anyway, here is what I ended up with for #40. Posted on January 23, but dated the 20th to stay with the proper group.
I drink hot chocolate every morning (my coffee), so I decided to use this box. I love the color blue, and even though the packaging wasn't what made me buy this particular brand, I can see why the colors were used after reading the information about colors and marketing. The blue is used to give the feeling of cold, which is when you would normally be wanting a hot drink. The gold "ribbon" attracts attention to a benefit of the product, and the brown chocolate.... speaks to me.... a chocoholic.
Here it is.... I have a little collection of cobalt blue bottles that I took photos of and printed onto cotton fabric for appliques. I almost didn't remember that plants were to be a main theme, and began this a little differently, but ended up with the right bottle being a vase for a stem of daisies and the eye wash cup made another container for more flowers. The leaves are from a stem of silk ones that just happened to be the color of the center banner on the box. White flowers are also laying on the white lace.

The piece is 12"x12" in size. For the sake of this post this is finished, but I really think it needs something.... I think I will add some beads to the flower centers. I also may experiment with adding some diluted gloss medium over the bottles to possibly deepen the color and maybe add some shimmer?? I also may want to do something to make the white lace show up better??

I posted about the process of this on My Blog.
Any and all comments and critiques would be very much appreciated.

My goal this year is to at least attempt something for each of the challenges, and try to do some of the many I missed.


  1. I really like this one Sue,,maybe because I spent a whole day last week taking photos of MY little cobalt blue bottles with red stalks of dried grasses in them?? LOL Not sure how to make the lace show up more and I think the reflection and shine is shown wonderfully in the bottles already. Especially in the one with the gold cover,,is that you in the top taking the picture? They look exactly like you somehow glued real bottles onto the fabric. When I want more gloss to fabric bottles, I use clear iron on vinyl over my *glass* fabrics, then cut out the applique and sew it down, pretty sure I got it at Joann's.
    Anyhow, I love this the way it is, in my opinion it's perfect and would look great hanging over your bottle collection :-)

  2. Love how you used the photograph of the bottle, it really makes it shine. I also like your background quilting.

  3. Love how you used the colors. Gold is also for royalty, and brown for comfort which I'm sure hot chocolate brings you. I like that you described the colors for us and the feelings they evoke. What did you use for the gold on the bottle top? It is so realistic.
    Great job on this challenge Sue.

  4. I'm not sure what your intent was in using the lace, but I think I would tend to just leave it "as is". I have always liked the effects one can achieve using artificial flowers in a piece. It works very well here. Nicely done!
    Pat f in Winnipeg
    aka fndlmous

  5. What a great interpretation of the colors from your inspiration box. I like the simplicity of this piece and the way you used the flowers.

  6. Thanks for the comments!! :) For the bottles, I took a photo of them and then grouped them to fill a page using Photoshop, then printed onto my fabric backed with Wonder Under. That way, I just needed to cut them out and arrange them on the piece.

    The gold is the metal decoration on that bottle. It is from some kind of perfume... My favorite bottle of the group. I just added the photo I took of my bottles in my blog's post.


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