Saturday, January 02, 2010


I have always been fascinated by the artwork on wine bottles. I am drawn to graphics that please me, and reject wines that do not. I also have a curiosity about Absinthe - when I was in Europe, I wanted to bring some back, but the Customs literature specifically said no. I think the purpose of these labels is to entice you - they impart a sense of pleasure and well being. Sort of like Alice in Wonderland: "Drink me! Drink me!"

This bottle of Absinth was on sale at Costco during the holiday season. Since I also have a black cat that is part siamese, the picture on the bottle caught my eye immediately.

The piece is mostly fused with a pieced base to look like a drape. I used water soluable crayons and pencils for shading. The glass dish was made with a silk crepe scarf.

This is my first challenge in over a year. It is hard work to be creative, and I tend to beat myself up as most artists do - there is so much talent out there. Enjoy! Now to go eat $20 worth of artichokes!


  1. Karen,
    I'm pleased to know someone else who buys wine solely by the label.

    For your first challenge in a year, you did a fantastic job with the colors and still life. Your piece is so realistic. The draping of the tablecloth adds a nice dimension and the watchful eyes make me reluctant to reach out and take one of the artichokes.

    Enjoy your artichokes, hopefully with a nice glass of wine.

  2. This is really nice! The cat eyes seem to say "I'm going to attack you artichokes for no reason other than I need something to do." The eyes capture one's attention first and then you follow the artichokes to the bottom one and back to the eyes again. I'd want to buy this bottle of wine, too, based merely on the label.

  3. Karen, welcome back! Your piece is very compelling and captivating. The cats eyes really draw the viewer in. Did you hand paint the artichokes? They look very realistic. Great job. Is that your own cat lurking about the artichokes in the picture on the left? The green eyes match the wine bottle very well.

  4. This is just a fabulous still life. Love those green cat eyes and the artichokes fit in so nicely. It is a great composition.
    Love it.

  5. Beautiful! and so nice to have you back Karen!.
    I like wine bottle labels, too..they catch my eye before the type of grape used.
    Your piece is very 'eye' catching [no pun intended] and I like the silk scarf idea for the bowl. Very well done.

  6. I could get lost in the wine department at World Market just reading the labels (my current fav wine is Red Guitar).... so this caught my eye as well. Great composition and contrast! I'm so glad you used something other than a cereal box!
    So how was the absinth?

  7. Hi Karen - Glad you are back! Your still life has a graphic quality that is very attractive to me. Those cat eyes hanging out there disconnected from anything adds a feeling of mystery. Wish I was there to help you eat the artichokes!

  8. Hi Karen, good to see you and your work again. This is just great..I love everything about it...the strong contrasts, the mysterious eyes, the shapes and shading of the elements. The bottle promises a mysterious and sophiscated taste treat...and your piece evokes the same.

  9. Great composition and wonderful use of the product packaging. I had to laugh as I took a picture of my black cat sitting in a basket the other day with just her eyes and the top of her head sticking out....

    Love the details on the artichokes. I hope you didn't suffer too much eating them. :)

  10. The artichokes are wonderful - looks like you could pick them right up and eat them. The cat's eyes add a bit of mystery to the composition.

  11. I love this one. Very striking.


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