Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Challenge 40: Milk--It Does a Quilter Good

What a fun challenge! I knew right away that I wanted to use this milk carton, since I love the colors:

The red, white, and blue colors were easy to work in, but I wasn’t sure how to work in the white & black of the cow “print.” Anyway, here is the result:

I like the finished result, but my vertical and horizontal lines are off somewhat, I guess because of the stitching; I definitely learned something about when to use extra stabilizer. I may go back and do some quilting to the piece, especially on the red “tablecloth.” This piece is 14"x15".


  1. Since you haven't done exact realism in your sundae and in the vase and flowers, I don't think the wonky lines in your background are a problem at all, in fact I think it adds to the charm!

    I really like the fun color scheme and the fun character of your piece---both are tied to the fun packaging.

    I love your flowers...I like the whole thing very much! Well done.

  2. I like the "curvy" staight line, it give me a "soft" impression.
    May be adding some quilting to the wall or the table (or both them) can "bring out" the vase and bowl, I think you should try :)

    I like your work

  3. Yummy! And very cheerful looking. I would love to see the ice cream bigger. Right now it competes for attention with the flowers.

  4. I love how you have the balance of colours from the original package. I agree that quilting the tablecloth would add to this piece. Somehow the white 'tiles' on the wall give quite a dairy feel, as of course does the ice cream.

  5. I think it's a bright, cheery piece with great dimension. Looks like one could pull up a chair and start eating. The pattern on the spoon is a nice touch. You did a great job of working in the black and white of the cow and kept with the dairy theme. If you do additional quilting, please post the results.

  6. Very good use of the colors in the packaging. This is a bright happy piece. Yes some quilting on the tablecloth would add texture to it. What if the bowl was a bit closer to the vase? Is it already stitched down. Like the background, crooked is good :)

  7. Love those primary colors - they always give such a vivid contrast. Your grid really gives depth to your piece. I like the chocolate topping on your ice cream - Kind of hints at the "cow" spots from your inspiration packaging.

  8. This has a 50's kind of feel - made me think of those retro kitchens.
    Nice use of primary colors.


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