Friday, January 08, 2010

Challenge 40 Pause by Madalene Murphy

This is the first challenge that I am entering, and I almost didn't make this one, but I found the use of product packaging colors intriguing, and after looking around my kitchen, chose one fairly quickly--a box of one of my favorite teas.  These were much        quieter colors than I usually work with but I loved the rich red brown of the edging, a brown I had actually tried for in my dyeing this summer for another project.  I also cheated a bit and chose to add the teal from the teacup on the top of the box.  So I went through my hand-dyes to see if I could come close with the colors.

My quilts also tend to be more abstract so the still life/plant requirement slowed me down a bit until I decided on abstract simple shapes with the leaves as contrast.  I played with the composition a bit  and came up with what to me is a very restful piece--like sitting down for a cup of tea.

This was great challenge.  Made me realize even packaging can be source of inspiration and made me take a whole new path to creating a quilt.  Thanks, Rhoda!

Please comment.


  1. so restful, indeed,Madalene. I absolutely enjoy its' serenity. The colors are rich, and I like the balance with the white rocks or ovoid shapes you have there. Your design is perfect for tea!
    Chris Predd

  2. Very definitely calming and restful. Not only through the use of colors, but the simple arrangement of your shapes, too. Lovely piece!

  3. This is a nice composition, with wonderful colors. You echoed the package colors beautifully, and made a piece that is very serene and calming to look at.

  4. Madalene, I think your composition is peaceful, elegant and very Zen-like. The simple shapes give balance and stability, and reflect the feeling of the inspiration tea box very well. Glad you were able to participate this time.

  5. Zen, total Zen. That's a good thing.... fabulous piece for a tough challenge!

  6. Very soothing piece that reflects the packaging colors quite well. Your version entices me to try that tea!! I like the simplistic but elegant tone of the quilt.

  7. Beautiful still life. I really like what you've done this with a bit of 'abstract' ! Great job. Good job of use of colors from the packaging.
    As Wendy said totally Zen.

  8. Hi Madalene - I love this piece and the way it feels so much that I may do my own version and hang it where it will bring me moments of quiet peace. There is not one thing I would want to change. I'm so glad you were able to make time to participate in this challenge and will look for more in the future.

  9. Love the oriental simplicity. Perfect as it is.

  10. What a lovely piece! So tranquil and peaceful. I like the composition and just the bits of muted color.


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