Sunday, January 31, 2010

Dragonfly pond

I had such difficulty understanding this challenge, but decided to make an attempt. Using a turquoise print cotton as background for my composition I constructed what I hoped was two diagonal wavy lines through the lower third and top third of the picture plane. Attempting to keep the colors split, I used fabrics I had either hand-dyed, batiked, silk painted or painted with stamped and foiled embellishments to create the elements of the composition. I am very pleased with the result, unfortunately, I don't think I acheived the stated goal of this challenge.
Jane Stricker


  1. BEautiful piece of work Jane. I can't really comment on the fracture, I know so little about it. What if you had uses some different hues for the background? As it is it is a wonderful piece of work.
    Full of life and color.

  2. I tried to see the freactures you mentioned but since it's so small I couldn't. I do like your piece despite the fact the fractures did not show up. Great use of color throughout.

  3. Hi Jane, it's a beautiful piece...I love the richness of it. I think you would need to use more contrast in values or color to capture the fracture look. Regardless, it is a successful piece. Good job

  4. Jane this is lovely... I would love to see it bigger, but it looks like a real fun piece.The colors are very striking.

  5. How I would love to see your complex cloth closer up. They look lovely. Although I too struggle to see any fracture, I think it is a vibrant and wonderful piece.

  6. Jane, your lovely piece has a watercolor effect to me. I love the contrast of the blue and the orange. This one would be great to see in person.


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