Sunday, February 28, 2010

Challenge 42 - Sunset

This was fun. . I actually took a UFO from my stash of them. The sunset I had done was when I first starting playing around with backgrounds. I never finished it because it was kind of blah - I had pieced 2 1/2 inch strips. So I took all the stripes - put in a tuck at 3/8 inch on each seam. Then I staggered the seams. First I tried doing so quilting it at the same time but then just made of a jumbled mess. Then I did the tucks on just the fabric. I couldn't for the life of me figure out how to quilt this without losing the texture. I settled on just facing it with a batting and back. Then I thought I'd add some hand stitching but that didn't work - I tried some French knots on each of the tucks - so as for now I'm leaving it as is. I think next them - you know there will be a next time I'll quilt 1/8 inch from each tuck then flap the tucks.

Anyway - it wound up being kind of fun - plus I got to cross a UFO off my list. Final size is 13 inches by 31 inches.

In Sunny Seattle


  1. Oh wow! I am glad you posted the before. The texturising makes a world of difference!
    It is great!
    Sandy in the UK

  2. Wow what a difference! Love what the tucks have done for this ordinary background. I think you really have improved this piece and isn't it wonderful to use a UFO!

  3. This is fantastic! So much movement created with just those tucks. You said you couldn't figure out how to quilt it. If you don't it will probably begin to sag after time. What if you just took a needle and thread and took some simple un-noticible stitches every 4" or so?

  4. Lisa, I love the texture you added with the tucks, and the rich colors in this piece. I agree with Jan that quilting will keep this from sagging in the future. Would you be able to hand quilt some rays radiation out from the sun?
    Thanks for the before and after photos. They really show what adding texture can do to a piece.

  5. The texture is great, and love the bright colors!

  6. So much great effect from so little! I love the movement the tucks create.

    Pat Havey

  7. Love the way you have made this work so much more interesting. Great texture. Love the colors.

  8. Good job, Lisa! The movement provided by the tucks complements the design nicely

  9. Lovely sun set.
    I agree with Sandy - the pleating made a world of difference.

    How nice for you that you had this started and an extra bonus of getting rid of a UFO.

    PS: How would you like to come and go thru my UFO piles.

  10. Lisa, what an excellent use of pleats, and using a UFO is always a bonus. Very pleasing and warm piece. Great job!

  11. What a bright, eye-opening piece. The texture is wonderful and certainly makes a difference from the original one.

  12. This is so wonderful Lisa! Terrific transformation.

  13. Wow!! The texture made the piece. Bet is was a great feeling to have finished an UFO in such a positive way.


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