Saturday, February 06, 2010

Glorious Flight

This was a bit difficult to get my head round, but finally, after a busy week, I made a start. Half piecing some parts, half laying fabrics over one another. Then fusing sheer paperlike fabric over to change the value in some areas and to pull colours together in other areas. I used several layers of it in a variety of combinations to create the shape of a dragon wing. I was interested to see the previous dragonfly wing entry, as I had already embarked on a similar idea.
It is meant represent a dragon wing and the joys of flying high in the bright sunshine, catching thermals and doing aeronautic twists and turns.

I guess you probably knew I'd do something dragonish if you wanted a wing.

It was a real stretch for me. I am not sure I will ever attempt this style again, but I did learn from it. I think you would have to enjoy piecing if you were to become good at this. Piecing is generally something I avoid. LOL

One of the things I decided to do in finishing it off was to leave the blocks and squares that poked out of the edge as is, rather than trim everything up square. I think it works well. Especially with that style.

The size is approximately 19"h x 21"w.


  1. This turned out to be a lovely stretch for you! I really like the way you fractured the sky and light rays and then allowing them to continue and make this an uneven edged quilt. Your quilting really adds to your piece. I know I'm going to have to get some organza and other sheers to try this technique for wings and other things. Great job!

  2. Your quilting and use of metallic threads is wonderful!
    Chris Predd

  3. Quilting really adds to the success of this piece. At first glance I thought of a space ship. Thanks for the description.

  4. Sandy, it wouldn't be a FFFC challenge without an appearance from you dragons. I love the effect of the quilting on this one, the wing looks very texture, yet thin and transparent. A very nice effect! You were really brave to have the wonderful free form edge, that's a lot of satin stitching! Worth the effort for the appearance of the finished piece.

  5. IMHO, the overall impression fits your intent very well -- sunlight and thermals and flight. I was just designing something (not for FFFC) with an irregular edge, hoping I could make it work, and seeing this is encouraging. I love the effect this has here.

  6. I particularly like the freeform edge. Will you mount it on black artist canvas? It looks very effective how you have photographed it.


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