Thursday, March 11, 2010

Flower Fields of Carlsbad

My landscape is the giant ranuncula flower fields of Carlsbad, Ca. It is 55 acres of glorious color every spring. I used this photo for inspiration (I don't know why the top two rows got cropped off the picture?). When I first decided to do this, my intentions were to do an abstract, loose interpretation, but the quilt had a mind of its own and I wound up doing a far more labor intense piece...

I painted the whole cloth base then heavily quilted it before adding any embellishments. I made more than 100 Victorian rusched flowers using a variety of silks, sheers, and even some suede cloth. They range in size from 1/2" to less than 1". Next I did hundreds of french knots, then beaded with many different types of beads and crystals. The final step was to make a second quilt sandwich using an extra loft batting and hand quilted the wavy divisions between the rows of flowers to create the dimension of the fields.

It measures 20 1/2"x 29"

This was a real challenge...

Comments most appreciated as always...thanks



  1. What else can be said other than GORGEOUS!

  2. WOW! That is a spectacular piece! Gorgeous colors, and wonderful work. It is a joy just to look at it!

  3. BRAVO! This is a spectacular piece. You have captured the field perfectly. Go Cherie !!!

    Pat Havey

  4. What a labour of love. It glows with energy, the colours are great, and the detail made it all worth the effort. Well done.

  5. WOW!! Quilts do have a way of telling us what they want.

    It was well worth the extra work. It is gorgeous and looks so much like the original.


    ps- I didn't read the other comments until I had written this. Seems like we all have the same idea.

  6. This piece is fabulous - I love the colors! The view must really be amazing in person.

  7. Thank you everyone :-) I wish I knew how to take a better picture. The details and dimension don't translate very well, but the colors are accurate.
    Here is a website you might like to look at with AWESOME pictures of the fields and individual giant ranuncula.

  8. To get to the flower field photos, click on the home page, scroll down to blog archives, scroll to 2007, then click on march 29. It really is worth the effort :-)

  9. I agree with all the comments above. This piece is spectacular.
    This will brighten any room.

  10. I love the colors and graphics of this. Nice job.


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