Thursday, March 25, 2010

High Water Mark

20½" x 16"

4/22/10 - Julia was right, it wasn't quite finished. Here it is with a bit of additional work done on it, mostly on the top portion.

This is actually for the February challenge, just finished now, so call it a Slow FFC. I didn't really like it much until almost the final step, but it wanted to be completed, and since I haven't done the last few challenges, I felt I had to put this one up.

I began first by using Tsukineko inks and a shaving cream marbling technique to make the uneven blue, brown and green sections, then used beads to hold an irregular bunching pattern for the waves, pebble beads for the beach, and a combination of seed beads and bugle beads for the land, and the beads got me involved in sorting them so I could get the colors I wanted. I took one strand of rather funky yarn to make the high water line, and then I began to like it. I added just a few strokes with a felt pen and green ink for the final palm tree.

This is the only piece I've done that has not had a single bit of machine sewing! I'd appreciate your comments -- and now I feel free to look at everyone else's work!


  1. It was interesting to read how you made the cloth, and the textures you achieved with the scrunching and beads. At the moment there is an even balance between the sections as far as tonal value and texture go. I am wondering if needs a focal point, as it seems to be telling me it isn't quite finished yet.

  2. Welcome Back! Your quilts are always interesting shapes. You did a great job with your fabric manipulation. I think the quilt is very calming and almost looks like a postcard.

  3. Don't you just love the marbling process? It works so well for your scrunched water etc. Nice piece.

  4. I just experimented with shaving cream marbling. How cool to do a composition out of it. Thanks for an idea to go in my folder.

  5. Interesting use of the shaving cream/marbling techniques. Thanks for sharing - I'll have to remember that.


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