Wednesday, March 03, 2010

The photograph hopefully will show the fabric manipulation in the form of gathering stitches in the sky and water. This piece is rather large at 4'x6'. I used paper, photo transfer, pleating and gathering along with one of my old earrings!
This piece is a reminder of our many sailing trips through the British Virgin Islands and incorporates my love of color. Sky, ground, beach and water are painted with acrylics. I incorporate many trim pieces on the cottage.
Jane Stricker


  1. What an evocative piece! I want to go inside the cottage! Good composition, with the steps to the cottage, the quilts on the line and the shapes of the trees all moving the eye around the quilt. Good job.

  2. I like the texture and use of multiple fabrics. I wish I could see the gatherings more clearly. Nice job.

  3. Jane, this piece is just gorgeous. You have so much texture in the use of the different fabrics. Very inviting, love it.

  4. This is a nice bright piece that draws the viewer into it and wanting to become part of the nice warmth of the area depicted. Great piece! But I couldn't find the folds in this small view. Could you perhaps re-post it at a larger size?

  5. This is a beautiful piece with great colors. At 4' x 6' we assume this was not a one-week project (or else you are putting us all to shame!). Very nice.

  6. I love your composition. I'll bet at full size you feel like you could just walk right into the cottage.

    Pat Havey

  7. Jane - I agree with all the other comments. The use of the slightly gathered fabric for the sky and water is very interesting. It would be a very different piece if those fabrics had been left flat. Great job!

    Betty Warner

  8. Hi Jane, love your colors and textures and mood in this piece. I would like to live there!

  9. Very cute - I wish the photograph would show the manipulation better - I can't quite see it.

  10. Jane, this piece really captures the viewer and makes them want to come on in! I love the detail you were able to achieve, it adds depth and interest, after a long winter I think we all want to come to your little island house.

  11. I feel as though I'm right there in the British Virgin Islands.

  12. Beautiful!
    Love it...sorry I couldn't get a large enough photo to see the manipulation.. but it is a lovely piece.

  13. Ahh...I feel the soft tradewinds and smell the tropical perfumes in the air. Terrific piece...I love it!


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