Thursday, March 04, 2010

Saguaro sunrise

Saguaro Sunrise is my desert landscape for Challenge 42.  The saquaro cactus on the left is "bubble tucked" with folds crushed under over-the-tuck stitches. There is a hole in the cactus where an owl has made his home.  The barrel cactus in the foreground is stuffed and quilted separately, then attached.  The organ pipe cactus is ruched with two colors to provide shadow.  The horizon line is blurred with quilting and foiling to represent the rising heat waves so common in the desert.  This piece is 18 inches square.  Can you find the lizard?  I look forward to your comments.  Hope you all have as much fun with this challenge as I did.


  1. This is a wonderful piece! I especially like the organ pipe cactus effect. Great fabrics and great colors.

  2. Nice piece! I love the variety of cactus you used and the effect achieved on the two main cacti.

  3. kI love your cactus and the whole piece invites you right in. The ruching sure does give a great look to the organ cactus.
    Pat Havey

  4. Great job on the textured cacti. Yes, I did find the lizard. I also love the striations of color used in the desert. This is interesting and my eyes are definitely drawn to the important cacti.

    Betty Warner

  5. Hi Linda, Wonderful piece! Love the color of the sky, the depth, and of course the highly textured cacti. Fun touches with the owl and the lizard, too

  6. Having spent some time in an Arizona desert a couple of years ago, I think you captured the feel of it. I love the texture on the saguaro and the owl peeking out of its hole is a great touch. And the ruching for the organ pipe is perfect. Your color choices are spot on.

  7. I love it.
    Your cacti looks so real.

  8. You used so many textural techniques and they all add to the piece a great deal. I want to reach out and touch the cacti!

  9. Wonderful!
    Great use of ruching.

  10. I have been right there in that spot with that the Organ Pipe National National Park! This is an amazing use of fabric manipulation. It appears to be 3-D...Kudos!


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