Tuesday, March 09, 2010

Stormy Seas

I thought for sometime about landscape possibilities, but decided I hadn't enough time to do it justice.

So, today, I dug around in my texturised fabrics from the workshop I did some time back. This grey taffeta was a part of a piece that was not textured as much as I would like. So, I pulled up some sections from the fusible interfacing it was attached to. Then sat and manipulated it by hand, pinning waves in various ways.

Then I thought. What does it look like?
Stormy Seas.

So I found a fabric with a ship in my stash. I found it wanted a cluster of rocks at the top. and then it wanted a lighthouse. I decided to leave the organic shape of the piece and mounted it onto black linen. Then I sandwiched it and added the silver cord which I couched down for waves. I quilted it further with waves and clouds at the top! Satin stitch round the sides and Voila a seascape!

One of the quickest pieces I have made in sometime.


  1. I like the organic feel of this piece - it's definitely a landscape but leaves room for the imagination. Interesting texturing - that taffeta adds a lot.

  2. Stormy indeed! You have very successfully created a storm tossed sea...very nice.

  3. I do like the texture in your ocean. The quilt reminds me of an old map, which is really fun.

  4. This is a fun piece. I really like it. Nice that you let the fabric tell you what it wanted to be. Love the lighthouse and sailboat in your stormy sea.


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