Friday, April 23, 2010

Rudbeckia - Brown Eyed Susan

I finished off challenge 43 and saw the new challenge. I had an idea straight away, so set to!

I thought I would base the child on one of my Sunday School children...all of them are from African countries. Then I remembered brown eyed susans, and it all came together.

I had just enough golden fabric for petals left from making a sunflower cushion some time ago. I also had some swatches of a fuzzy sort of fake leather, so used a brown to machine stitch and colour in a little face. I stuffed the middle and then mounted it on a wooden dowel.



  1. Love it! You did a great job..

  2. I really like your idea of using a dark face for the center.

  3. Wonderful Sandy, you need to make a whole garden of them!


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