Friday, June 04, 2010

Elegy for a Tree

23 1/2" x 12"

The center focus out our back picture window had long been a tall birch tree. As spring blossomed this year, it was obvious from the pieces of branches on the ground, the lack of twigs, and most of all, the fungus growing on its trunks, that it had died. So for me, the focus of this month's challenge was obvious, though the colors were not! The violet, yellow-orange and yellow-green form a split complementary color scheme, as well as adding an abstract element.

In this piece, the trunk is rounded, stuffed with some Polyfil batting, and the fungus sticks out, shelf-like. The background is a single piece of cloth which depicts the leafy background well, and I added another piece to hide the bottom of the trunk.

Comments welcome!


  1. Your mushrooms look quite real hanging on the old, dead tree. your shadowing is perfect for them. Color choice is very relaxing. Nice...

  2. Tobi, this is so you and what a delightful piece. I love the color
    you have chosen to do it in. I can imagine it must be wonerful in person.

  3. I love your color way - and the the 3D fungi.

  4. Love the color scheme and your treatment of the fungi.


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