Friday, July 23, 2010

Ch 47 - Trees

I had to do this one fast, so my tree is kind of thin. I will likely add more branches later. My kids and grandkids will be here this weekend and are staying for the week, so this 12 1/2" x 12 1/2" block is all I can get done before the onslaught. It is not yet quilted.

We live in windy Wyoming, so our trees are often leaning as shown.


  1. Great composition. You have really caught the essence of the wind. a very simple and compelling vision.
    Donna from Sea Ranch

  2. I like your 'Wind' impersonation. Excellent fabric choices, too. You mentioned your tree being thin... and you will probably add more branches. More branches and a further lean to the right would be in keeping with what appears in force coming out of that Mighty strong blow...
    I hope you will repost if and when you do add more.
    A very imaginative piece.
    I enjoy just looking at this one.

  3. The movement achieved with the grass fabric and leaning tree is great. The stormy sky is wonderful too...did you paint/dye it?
    I have been in this very place I'm sure :-) Brrr
    Looking forward to seeing it quilted

  4. Wyoming is definitely windy & your little tree really shows this. I love your entire composition & the colors you used to create it. Nice job!

  5. Nice work Linda, the leaves are blowing and even the ones on the ground are swirling around. Great movement the sky fabric is perfect and like others I love the wind!

  6. As everyone else said, the movement in this piece is great. Would love to see it finished when you have time. Am curious about the windblower and how you created him.

    Good job!


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