Tuesday, July 06, 2010


This is an airplane view of the Devils Tower in Wyoming.
The landscape was made with a dress fabric and upholstery fabric. It didn't take long to cut pieces which I held in place with washable fabric glue until I raw edge quilted it to the background which is a Carol Bryer Fallert fabric.


  1. Karen
    So glad you were finally able to post this here. It is a lovely piece, I esp like the background fabric that you chose for this, it really gives the sense of sky, I also love the fabrics you used to depict the rock, you got the values just right to make this pop. Very well done, I esp like that the tower is not in the center of the landscape but offset to the left, so much more visually interesting. OK now for the slap on the wrist , you didn't use unexpected colors. I think that this image would have been very dramatic done in shades of purple with a yellow sky. That said I really do like this, congratulations.

    Kathy Walker

  2. You are right. Usually I use unexpected colors when I am not supposed to.

  3. I really like the perspective you have used in you piece. It gives a feeling of great height and depth. Like Kathy, I wonder what it would look like if you had used unexpected colors. Are you going to add borders before you quilt it?

  4. Love your use of fabrics. You created depth with your choices.

  5. I like the way the light plays in this piece, very effective use of fabric. it looks very realistic, especially with the great sky fabric.

  6. This is one of my favorite quilts of yours Karen. It's stunning in it's majesty! What a cool use of fabrics. How will you quilt the sky? (I'm pondering the same question for mine...ha).
    What are the dimensions?Nice work...
    (I would like to see it faced without borders...my 2 cents worth)

  7. Excellent use of fabrics! The height is 'staggering'...says she who has a problem with heights...haha
    I really like the play of lights. Can't you just see it in purple or a rich red....
    Well done!

  8. I love this piece. Really captures the light on the surface of the monument. I have seen it several times and you really have given us a "sense" of the place. It really rises up out of nowhere. Love the fabrics chosen for the texture. Outstanding!

  9. Nice use of unusual fabrics - they lend themselves well to this piece even if you didn't use unexpected colors.


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