Wednesday, July 28, 2010


The tree is from a picture in Flickr without the leaves. (used with permission) I just liked the shape of the tree. The tree was thread painted and then appliqued on.

The tree reflection was colored in with a crayon.

The bushes and reflection were machine appliqued with invisible thread.

The quilting was also done with invisible thread.

The color that I didn't like was used as the border and binding.
I also added the picture of the tree that I used as a guide.


  1. I like your reflection effects! Did you use the backs of the fabric or just shade over it with crayon as per the tree? The lonesome tree fits right in along the water. My only suggestion might be that you lighten the water a bit and add more pinks to it to reflect the sky's color.
    I don't think your border is distracting at all. I think it makes you focus on the composition within.

  2. Thank You.
    I used the back of the fabric.

  3. I just noticed that the pink in the water on the wall hanging itself shows purple in the picture.

  4. I love the reflection Betty, and agree you might add a little pink and gold in the water. Also, the water seems to have a nice ripple effect, but it doesn't carry over into the grasses and bushes reflections. What if you continue the squiggly ripples up into that area either with crayon/paint, or maybe iridescent thread painting?


  5. Betty, this has a lot going for it, that is for sure... a lot of detail in it. I am sure you are considering the suggestions my opinion that would 'finish' it. I like how you 'pruned' that tree and didn't use the branches or leaves, that is very effective... definitely puts the focus on the shubbery and the water.
    That border nicely contains the piece. Well done!

  6. Very nice work, I can see a hint of the pink in the reflection. What a smart idea to use the back of the fabric for the reflection, it worked well for you. The only thing I might suggest is what if you had a bit more definition between the land and the reflection? It might make the reflection stand out more?
    Nice job!

  7. I don't think I can add anything to what has been already said. I love the shape of the tree. The reflection is very effective. My only additional comment would be that the line between the scene and the reflection in the water seems(IMHO)too straight.

    You certainly met this challenge. Great job!


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