Thursday, July 01, 2010

Sikanni Canyon

Wow, my first challenge for sometime and I actually finished on time. I chose a picture of one of our favorite places for this challenge. The rock formation in the canyon of the Sikanni River have always fascinated me. Some rocks sideways others up and down and the prestine crystal clear water of the north. I have also included the original photograph to give you an idea of the true color of the landscape here, nothing like Utah, or Fire Valley NV, yet those are the colors I chose.
I painted a piece of fabric and then added a lot of stitching, both machine and hand stitching. I look forward to your critique. Thank you for the great challenge Kathy.


  1. Fun challenge I look forward to your critique.

  2. You painted those rocks perfectly! I like the addition of the men in the boat to give perspective on size. Chris Predd

  3. Thanks Chris, that was my is actually my two grandaughters and a friend.

  4. Rhoda this is very striking. I love that you used red on the rocks and hand stitching. Nice job with directional tension and the reflection in the water.

  5. Thanks Janice, it feels so good to have created something :)

  6. Looks like it could be Lake Powell in Southern Utah for sure! You've created so much movement in the water with well placed stitching. Nice work!

  7. Rhoda
    Lovely piece, I love the colors you chose it really has the feel of rock and water. I also like the quilting lines you have used to enhance the movement of the lines and shadows, simple but effective. The boat and the 3 figures gives the viewers eye a starting place, but also a place to come back to. I wonder how it would have worked if you had move the boat to the left just a bit, to balance out the mass of rock in the upper right. But really it is lovely as is.

    Kathy Walker

  8. Thanks for your feedback Kathy. I placed the boat so the eye would follow it, the rocks in the river , then the cliff on the right and back around to the right and down...that was sort of how I thought the eye would move :)

  9. Terrific job. I especially like the hand stitching and the reflection in the water. It is a very successful piece. It strikes me that although the colors are not real, the feeling one has when in the midst of that scene would evoke the colors you used.

  10. Great job Rhoda. Your colors are so soft, they really create a peaceful mood. It seems like twilight. Lots of movement really keeps one's interest.

  11. I like your artistic license in the use of color for the whole scene. Sharing the photo really helps with a sense of the rock shapes - you captured them very well with fabric and thread.


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