Sunday, August 22, 2010

Challenge 47 - Cherry Blossoms 1 and 2

I've posted my two Cherry Blossom quilts.

I've been working on deconstructed backgrounds. Basically I take lots of scraps sew them together - but them up - rearrange them resew then then repeat a few more times. This is a first to use monochromatic - then putting an imagine on top of it. The piece was a little too big so I sliced it in half - I had to make two quilts.

Cherry Blossom 1 - 8 x 14 - used my couched wool yarn for an abstracted tree. The cherry blossoms are sequins with beads. I also did some free motion quilting which is a little difficult since the seams are rather bulky. I embellished with sequins before quilting - next time I'd quilt first.

Cherry Blossom 2 - 12 x 18 - this I took the remaining piece diced three time - then famed each piece. The tree form I did in the quilting. The tree branches are quilted in gray thread, then echoed with turquoise. My initial thought was to have a single cheery blossom in the middle square - but it worked much better to be off the tip of the branch in the lower right hand corner. The cherry blossom is out of wool felt, embroidery thread and beads.

In Rainy Seattle

1 comment:

  1. Hi Lisa,
    your cherry blossom pieces are very nice, I love the cherry blossom 2, it is absolutly wonderful!


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