Sunday, August 01, 2010

Challenge #47 - "A Walk In The Woods"

I was so fortunate to have taken a class last weekend at Long Beach IQF with Noriko Endo. She is amazing! The technique is confetti, layer upon layer of thinly sliced (mostly) solid fabrics, laid out to form a tree-filled landscape. She uses two layers of soft black tulle to hold everything down and to add depth. After the 2nd layer you are supposedly finished, but I placed the two large trees in the foreground without tulle. This makes the viewer fell more connected to the piece. Thread painting finishes off the quilt and adds a bit more realism. I welcome all comments.


  1. Wow Ann, this is stunning! It has so much dimension it feels like being right there in the woods. I want to reach out and touch the bark. Wonderful thread painting as well. perfect interpretation of this challenge :-)

  2. Ann, this is Wonderful!!
    What an opportunity to be able to take a class with her. When I was looking at trees for this challenge, I used her work in the Masters book as inspiration. Of course, I went off on a totally different tangent!
    Your use of color really puts reality into the piece... like being in the forest, literally.
    Also love your threadwork... good job!

  3. Ann, this is Breath taking! (Wonderful and Wow, have already been used). What a great way to use this technique, with incredible results. You can almost feel the sun filtering thru the trees and hear the whisper of the wind. You have achieved depth, motion and captured the viewer's imagination. Your threadwork really adds to the piece as well.

  4. So wonderful you got to take a class from her! Your piece is beautiful! I see the sun shining through the trees, and like others, feel like I could walk right in.

  5. Fabulous piece, such depth and so alive!
    I would love to take a class from her, your description of the layers of tulle makes sense. What a fantastic piece for this challenge.
    Great work.

  6. Thanks to everyone for the kind words. This is such a fun technique and could easily be used in other ways.

  7. WOW! This is a great piece and I agree that the 2 trees you added afterwards really does make the piece drawing you into the small pieces of the background. I've seen some of her pieces in person and they are amazing. Lucky you to have learned from her.

  8. It's gorgeous! I love the effect of light shining through the trees that you achieved.

    I saw a quilt in LB that used this technique, not sure if it was Noriko's or not. Wish I could see yours in person.

  9. Ann
    What a beautiful piece. You have really captured the feeling of being in the woods....I have never tried this technique but you made it sound like fun. I think the two trees forward does create a good feeling of depth...I wondered what size it was? Donna


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