Thursday, August 12, 2010

Chestnut Tree

Here is a textile artist's view of a chestnut tree! Well, I am always amazed by the bark, and have been wanting to depict it in fabric.
Here is a photo of the original tree. It was dark under the leaves and branches, but very light outside, so hard to photograph, but the colour of the piece I did is more like the colour of the tree...or at least the colour this textile artist has in her head of the tree!

The colour I wouldn't normally choose was the scarlet red that was part of the original fabric. I hadn't liked the result and overdyed in brown, but some portions were still a pale scarlet. You can see a photo of the back showing the original colour here.
The technique was using watercolour pencils to add the mossy green colour to the bark which gave it more depth.(The original fabric had no green at all.) I would do this again to take hand-dyed fabric just one step further.

Techniques I used that I have used before were corded channels and twin-needle cording with added machine stitch patterning and hand sewn herringbone stitch with brown raw silk thread.

I also chose to keep the not-quite-square shape to the sides which helps to keep the piece looking more organic overall.
this piece is around the same size as journal quilts.


  1. Sandy, you really captured the texture of bark. I like the color contrast between the greens of the leaves and the reddish tinge of the bark. I also approve of the not-quite-rectangle shape!

  2. Well done Sandy, it must have been fun to recreate the wonderful texture.

  3. Sandy I am so glad you could do this and post it. It is a very interesting piece. I love the texture you have been able to create. What I like best about this piece is the extra dimension the hand stitched herring-bone stitch gives... excellent.. it really 'makes' the tree bark!

  4. This is great looking almost real. Great dimension and use of different techniques to achieve color. I also like that the border is not quite square giving it a more real appearance.

  5. Thanks!
    The herringbone stitches also help to hold the corded channels over one way and then another like the tree. Otherwise, they just laided next to each other.
    I stitched the channels on the bias, which helped to give more flexibility, and a bit more texture to the channels as they ruched a bit when the cord was inserted.


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