Friday, September 03, 2010

Autumn Shimmer

19” X 28”

This is a combination of Challenge #47 (Trees) and #48. The Technique New to Me is a faced binding. My Least Favorite Color is blue so I mixed some blue Dye-na Flow with Lumiere Pearl White. I know, not a true blue but feel it works well with the other fall colors. For the Metal part of the challenge, I used metallic paint, thread, and sheers. The Unusual Material/Texture was covering pipe cleaners with free motion stitching to make the trunk and limbs and the use of sheers for the ground. Both were also firsts for me in quilt making. The Optimistic portion would be saving the silk, plaid yo-yo’s that I received in a grab bag in the mid to late 90’s thinking someday they may come in handy. Someday arrived and they look so much better painted!

Thanks Tobi and Sandy for such fun challenges. Comments and critiques are appreciated.


  1. A good way of rescuing the yo-yos! Good thought to add paint to them.
    and well done with the thread covered pipe cleaners, it is not as easy to do as it sounds.

    I guess you must be planning to quilt this further later on. Have you got an idea for it? It might be interesting to quilt a few abstract circular shaped leaves (with spoke-like veins to echo your yo-yo leaves) in metallic threads "falling" from the tree. with maybe one or two in amongst the yo-yos to pull it all together.

    or another thought might be to use the end of a reel of thread that has that same shape to stamp that shape in a similar manner with paint.

    I think the ground looks quite Autumn feeling!

  2. I adore the yo-yos. Have you quilted the piece yet or is it done. Looks like it could use some quilting in the background.

  3. Thanks Sandy for the quilting ideas. I will add some circular leaves to the tree as well as some falling ones.

  4. Nice trick, combining two challenges -- and it worked! It's a good use of the yo-yo's, and I like the tree outline to pull it all together.

  5. Ooooh, I like the second on [liked the first, too].. with the quilting. Very nice job of combining 2 challenges. Optimistic.. ha.. that you could pull them together! Well done.

  6. How ever did you cover those pipe cleaners. Looks tricky from here. What a great use of the yo-yo's. I like that you added some to the pile of leaves in the second piece. I think I see stamping around the yo-yo's now or is it stitching?

    Great job!

  7. Isn't it wonderful to dombine two challanges! I love it when that happens. Your use of the yoyos is super and I love all the sheers you used for under the tree. I'll have to remember that. Have fun quilting it.

    Pat Havey

  8. Yes, good additions. The quilting takes your eye around a bit more.
    Also the fallen circle leaves pull the design together. Previously, the ground area had lines and the top area had circles. Now they work together, as if the linear pieces of fabric are more like grasses.


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