Thursday, September 30, 2010

Portrait of Aubrey

I've been doing a lot of work with portraits this past year. I am finding it to be both a challenge and lots of fun.

This portrait is of my granddaughter, Aubrey. My daughter takes Aubrey and her sister Hannah to the beach each year to take photographs for their Christmas cards. This picture was taken by her at sunset and the light was coming in was coming in very low to her right.

I used a filter in Photoshop Elements to get the abstract look and chose a gradation of four fabrics to achieve the lighting. I would appreciate any comments on the piece.
Marilyn in SC


  1. Hey.. hi Marilyn! Nice to see your work here... and I think you certainly got the contrast and the brilliance of light from its source. It is not quilted yet is it? When it is, I think it will be amazing and your grand daughter will be pleased to see herself in this form. Well done! and I look forward to seeing more of your work.

  2. Marilyn-I love your portraits and the abstraction of this one is just enough to make Aubrey very intriguing! This seems to be perfect for the challenge, but also just a wonderful portrait on it's own.

  3. Wonderful contrast! I get such a feeling of relaxed pleasure from this portrait. Excellent work.

    Pat Havey

  4. Lovely. I especially like your use of gradations in one color. I can certainly see the direction of the light, and even abstracted your granddaughter's lovely smile.

  5. Good use of shading to capture the chiaroscuro technique -- wish I could manage to do portraits myself!

  6. You have made a very pleasing piece with great shapes and values. Well done.

  7. Very cool - I love to know what filters you re using to get the abstraction. It is very cool.

  8. Hi Marilyn, very nicely done! Did you consider using a light light and a dark dark for even more drama?
    I'm glad you're in the group this year and look forward to seeing lots of your work!


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