Thursday, September 30, 2010


When this challenge was announced I was attending meetings in Jackson Hole, Wyoming. My husband and I then took the long way home so we could make our annual outing to Mammoth Hot Springs in Yellowstone during the time of elk mating. While this might sound kinky to some, I assure you it is a rare chance to witness wild animal behaviour at its most dramatic. The big bull elk are ferocious in defense of their harems; bugling and fighting non-stop. As a visitor it is your responsibility to respect the space needed by the animals by staying a safe distance away, both for their safety and yours. I have a new camera with a good telephoto lens and I was able to take a photo of the alpha bull as he stood in the sunlight during a rare moment of calm.
When I got home I drew the image as I saw it on paper and then proceeded to turn it into a fabric composition. It is not quilted and I am not sure it ever will be. I really enjoyed this process and I feel I learned a lot from this exercise but I am not particularly happy with the final result. I think the antlers were successful but then I perhaps got too detailed with the bottom half of the animal. I do like my original drawing and I may work on it further, including enlarging it a little more, to make an entirely new piece in the future. This piece is 16" high and 13" wide.


  1. FABULOUS! This is a wonderful piece of art that really fulfills the criteria.

  2. I really like this piece, although I think I understand what you are saying about getting too detailed on the lower portion. However, I would like to see you look at this, make some corrections and finish it, even though it is a positive step as a study for another piece. The top is just so striking! I'd love to see the photo you started with. I think a second look at the photo and some thought and you would be able to save this piece....of course you could just chop it off at the neck and have it as a mounted head. :)

  3. Kathy... this is so good... I think what could be troubling you is the blue fabric, what if you replaced it with a brown... keeping the depth or perhaps a tad lighter. Your sketch is perfect... and I know what you mean about that special time of year. DH and I have camped in Jasper National Park just to observe the ritual. I love the bugling!
    Thank you for sharing and I agree... you should finish it.

  4. Oops.. Kathy.. re the blue.. I meant the 2 pieces on his body...

  5. This is wonderful! Maybe there's just too much contrast in your elk legs...try making them less obvious with less contrast so that the horns are the absolute drama you have made them! Try popping in that other eye and see what that just must finish this. It's too good to lay on a shelf!

  6. I love the background and the horns. I find the blue on his body a little distracting. I think I would like to have a brown there.

  7. Your elk is beautiful. I also agree that the color on the legs is distracting. The head and horns are very regal and magnificent. What a wonderful study. Do finish it!

    Pat Havey

  8. Kathy, I love this piece. The background you chose is perfect for fall foliage and for setting off the antlers. I hope you decide to finish it.

  9. Very well detailed dear. the batik in the background offer just the hint of fall. don't forget to add the quilted post. I think more depth in your background is needed - hopefully that can be achieved with quilting. Right now it reads a little flat.

  10. Hi Kathy, Oh, what a wonderful start! the background fabric is fabulously perfect and the antlers magnificent. I don't find the legs troubling at all...what sticks out to me is the lighter fabrics on the right side. The light is striking the antlers perfectly from the upper left, so to have the right side of the body strongly lit is confusing.
    Hope you do finish this!

  11. He's very regal looking. I, too, have a problem with the blue legs. They seem to be lost in the background. I do hope you finish him.

  12. I DO like the blue in there. I enjoy color surprises, and I think the value is the important thing in chiaroscuro. I agree with Cynthia, that the right side of the body should be darker.
    What's bugging me is that straight line across the bottom, like he is standing on a sidewalk. I would change that to a more organic line. Love the upper background fabric. Nicely done! (Yes, add the other eye)


  13. I think this is great. This quilt immediately grabbed my attention. Well done.


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