Friday, September 03, 2010

Leaf Me Alone

This was really fun!!!! For unusual things, I used window screen, copper mesh, lycra fabric and some glittzy stuff plus foil. Believe me when I say "he just happened". I was aiming for a moon and tree with copper leaves. well, Mr Leafy appeared and took over the whole thing.

It was very fun but now I have to clean my studio from dragging out all of my metal treasures and toys etc.

I enjoy your comments.


Sea Ranch. CA


  1. I really like your composition. The window screen leaves around the edge provide a nice contrast with your glitzy leaves in the center. The slight irregular rectangle works really well with the organic shape of your leaves. Great response to the challenge. It shows that you had fun creating it.

  2. Isn't it fun to have a surprise that really works? I think you have a wonderful piece here. Very creative use of the screen and all other unusual things you used. I also like what appears to be an irregular border.

  3. What a fun little creature! I love it when things turn into creatures. Now you have to make a story about him.

    I think it works well as a composition. I wonder if you could put some of those little blobs (or at least some beads) on some of the round berry shaped bits on the background. It might draw the eye around a bit. But on the other hand, since the creature is the focus of the piece, it might just detract. It would be a matter of laying some little circle bits there to see what you thought of it.

    I like the uneven edge. I think the whole piece might benefit even more to be mounted on a larger plain quilted background in an autumn shade and submitted into the humour section of a show!
    I am sure you will have fun with him anyway.

  4. He is so cute! And I love the shape of your piece.
    Great choice of metallics in this.
    A challenge well met.

  5. Your leaf man just make me laugh and laugh. Such clever use of the leaves as legs and feet. The shape and balance are very good. Thank you for such fun

    Pat Havey

  6. I also like the irregular border. It adds a bit more whimsy to your quilt.

  7. This is a wonderful piece!

    I love it when a piece takes on a life of its own!


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