Tuesday, September 28, 2010

the parachute quilt

Here is my attempt:


  1. I love your color choices and composition. I am just a little confused about the light and shadow direction though. Is it just one light in the center?

    Pat Havey

  2. I am wondering if this is the whole piece? Perhaps the cables giving it length are below what we are seeing? I am really impressed you tackled this wonderful photo in the first place. Because the light source seems hard to determine... maybe a few of your lightest fabrics could show up a bit elsewhere? Just a thought...
    I am so glad you did this...

  3. Hi Rosemary, Your colors are gorgeous and there is alot of depth and texture in the fabric choices and manipulation. I think they resemble beach umbrellas leaning against a wall just waiting out the starry night until they can open up again and soak up the sun.
    I think it would make a more interesting composition if you cropped off most of the left side...in the middle of the blue dotted fabric. That would take the gold brightness off to the side rather than dead center. Hold your hand over that side of the photo and you'll see what I mean.
    Good to have you in the group...hope to see lots and lots of your work


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