Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Raven Quilt

This is my quilt for the #48 challenge using metal.
My family likes ravens and their antics. I imagined a raven collecting shiny metal things to decorate its nest (made of fabric "sticks"). I added a yellow water bottle because many years ago a raven stole my son's water bottle at a picnic area.
Anne in Walnut, CA


  1. Hi Anne, I think crows and ravens are entertaining as heck! Your piece shows their imaginative scavenging very well. The yellow water bottle because of the color and light value becomes the focal point...is that what you intended? If it was supposed to be the raven, I think a lighter background would allow the raven to pop out. It seems to involve a family joke about Brien's water bottle, so maybe the water bottle should be the focal point! Great job...a very fun and delightful piece

  2. Oh, one other point on the photography. Either cropping to eliminate the wall or photographing against a light background would really show off the piece in a photo

  3. Cynthia,
    Thanks for your comments.
    I agree that the raven blends in too much with the dark background. If I were starting over, I would change that.
    The water bottle wasn't meant to be the focal point, but really is because of that bright yellow. It's OK because of the story of the quilt, but that gives me something to think about for next time.
    And yes, I will improve my photography next time. Thanks.


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