Saturday, October 02, 2010

Challenge 49 Flying Pigs 1 by Jeanne Holmes

This started as a very difficult challenge for me . I puzzled over what type of image to use and realized most of my images didn't include possibilities of adding Chiaroscuro. I kept trying to come up with serious ideas and kept coming up blank. After much consternation, I figured I would be able to come up with a design " when pigs fly". She isn't flying yet but is certainly ready. I am currently toying with the idea of using a flying pig in all the challenges this year.

I used cotton for the pig and background and Fun Fur for the wings using pink for the main wing and gray to add detail. I used an alcohol based ink to create the shadows and add depth to the pig. I quilted the floor in in rectangle to try to capture more of a tiling effect and used an large stipple for the wall to try to make it more like wallpaper.

I'm trying to figure out what to add to the wall to make it more interesting but not the focus. I am currently thinking about trying to add sunbeams in but am trying not to overdo it. Edit, edit edit, if it doesn't add it takes away, but maybe just one more......


  1. What if you had put your pig against a dark green background? Would this have created the strng contrast we're looking for? I see green as the complement of the pink in the pigs body, and contrast can be accented with the use of complementary colours.

  2. In this case don't edit! I think throwing in the sun beams would be exactly what you are looking for to make this piece more chiaroscuro. Too late for this piece but it would have added more dimension of the stripes on the floor were on an angle verses vertical.

  3. I agree that you probably need some darkness behind the pig. If you need some inspiration - I always like to have a visual - I posted a photo on my blog.
    Since comments don't accept a link, here's the hard way to get there.

    http : / / yarngoddess (dot) wordpress (dot) com

    Remove the spaces and replace (dot) with a period character.

    :Diane/ yarngoddess

  4. Hi Jeanne, so glad you're in the group and putting yourself out there. I do think a flying pig deserves a more lively background...less muted I think. And just to mention one of the general rules of is usually a more interesting composition to place the subject off center rather than centered.
    I look forward to seeing more of your work!

  5. I really like your whimsical pig. His tummy looks very dimensional, so your use of light and shadow worked.

  6. I think your idea of adding a window and changing the floor and centering will get the look you are trying to achieve. It's all a learning process and we all benefit from the comments and suggestions.

  7. The whimsy is refreshing...
    the above comments give good advice.. could you use crayons?


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