Tuesday, October 05, 2010

CTea Fire

Tea Fire is my WIP for challenge #49. It is approximately 24 x 31". I didn't know what I was going to do until Monday and I work full time, so the real challenge was time. I probably should have done a smaller piece, but it really wanted to be large.

I used a raw edge reverse applique technique for the majority of the piece. I added shading to the building with dye sticks. I still need to add some burnt foliage and quilt it.

The inspiration for this fire quilt came from a series of fires that that hit Santa Barbara, CA between July 2007 and May 2009. The Tea Fire caused the most direct devastation to the community, with over 200 homes lost. I've already made a quilt about the Zaca Fire, the Gap Fire and now the Tea Fire. The Jesusita fire will be the inspiration for the next quilt in the series.


  1. Hi Judy, This is dramatic and colorful chiaroscuro....good job! I think your idea of some burnt foliage will create more interest/focal point. And the quilting could make a big impact too. I'd suggest doing small sections of the quilting in black thread to add some depth or definition to the flames.
    If this was my quilt, after heavily quilting it...I would burn the edges for an irregular and interesting edge finish. Takes some courage, but it could take the piece to a different level. Let me know if you want a tutorial on the burning part!
    Good to have you in the group and I look forward to seeing more of your work.

  2. I like Cynthia's suggestion for burned edges...a leap of faith for sure, but could be oh so dramatic! Your fire looks so hot! Did you paint the flames, use metallics? Awesome chiaroscuro!


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