Saturday, October 30, 2010

Challenge #50

Golden leaves shimmer
Posed against an azure sky
Rot and make new life

I took a class with Pat Mink in July that concentrated on working in PhotoShop to enhance and blend photographs. The class also concentrated on printing on fabrics. I was interested to see that Louise chose this technique for her challenge as well.

I chose this method to carry out the theme of my Haiku. I decided to use white sateen fabric to give the illusion of shimmer on the leaves. I blending two photographs. One is a maple tree just beginning to leaf out in the Spring. The other is a close-up a golden maple leaf. As I began to quilt the piece I felt the branches of the tree looked as if they followed the veins in the leaf.

This is small for me, it measures about 7" x 7". As with most of my small pieces I decided to frame it and write my Haiku on the mat. I would do it differently next time. My writing is not the prettiest in the world so I would have printed it on paper stock and had a small cut made in the mat.

This was a real challenge for me since I had never written a Haiki or any other poetry. I think that I enjoyed composing the poem more than making the art work. So thanks for introducing me to Haiku. I have not posted on the other site yet as I'm having trouble remembering how to do so and I wanted to get this posted. I will do that later when I have more time.

As always I would appreciate comments.


  1. What a great technique, wonderful work. What else can I say it really speaks the Haiku verse!

  2. H Marilyn, very unique and colorful piece. I like how you quilted it minimumly and following the lines within the didn't need any more than that. Great job!

  3. Marilyn, I really like how you PS'd this and were able to make this unique piece of art. The stitching is very effective! I like that you chose to put the poem on the face of your work.
    Well done!

  4. How exciting to make the tree follow the lines in the leaves! The entire quilt really speaks to me.

    Pat Havey

  5. Very Striking, and an excellent job blending the photographs and making it special with the stitching you added.

  6. Striking piece. Great job marrying the photos and nice stitching. I like the illusion of the tree being the veins of the leaf.

  7. Marilyn,
    I absolutely love your piece, it is so striking. When I first saw it without reading the post, I was in awe of all the stitching you did on the tree branches! Isn't Photoshop amazing? I love the color selection and the way that the leaf is set in the background. Great work!

  8. Marilyn,
    This is a great melding of two very different scales. From afar the leaf in the background seems as if it could be part of the landscape. I think framing it as you did provides the perfect setting.

  9. The only thing I can add to all above is...I love the haiku printed on the mat. Lovely piece!


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