Friday, October 01, 2010

Fall Gold (18" w x 23" h)
Looking out over the lake at the town park, I could see a dark area of trees surrounded by lighter colored leaves, and one branch of a tree with light yellow leaves. When I came home, I found the gold leaves on a garment that I was going to throw out, so I cut them off and made some lighter yellow leaves from some silk fabric. I took one photo quickly and posted it, then this morning saw the quilt in the sun and it looked so much better. So contrary to all previous experience, I retook in the full sun and it shows up much better. Sewing on all 51 of the green leaves was a pain.
I think I should have left more of the dark space showing but I was having too
much fun adding on the gold leaves! It is quilted but I have not decided whether to bind it or face it.


  1. Wow the silk really reflects the flash of your camera. Actually I was going to suggest you put in more leaves. So either put in more leave in the empty space or take out a few more green leaves for more empty space.

  2. Hi Nancy, this is beautifully constructed and a great idea! I think a bit more variety in the green leaves value and color could really bring this to life

  3. Great use of a discarded garmet. Perfect for the leaves. I like the piece very much but do think Cynthia's suggestion of adding some color highlights (paint, oil sticks, thread?) to the green leaves will really make the piece pop.

  4. What a different photo than the first. Really shows the contrast... I like the texture, too.The other suggestions will make a difference [ask me how I know..ha]


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