Sunday, October 03, 2010

Frog on a Leaf

Well, I made it through my first challenge.....and it was well, a challenge to do something inside of a week. This little frog is from a photo that I've had for quite a while. The frog is appliqued from my hand dyed fabrics and thread painted. The background is a tonal batik which has been heavily quilted for texture. I also added Shiva Painsticks and Inktense watercolor pencils for highlights and shadows. It measures 12"x13" and will be faced. Thanks for your critiques.


  1. Beautiful colors and very nice quilting. The frog might "settle" into the background better if you have the value of the background match the value of the subject in a small area. Perhaps bringing the green thread up to meet the green section of his front foot. Very nice piece. Congratulations.

  2. Margie, your tree frog is wonderful! He looks like he's talking to me and he certainly makes me happy. The contrast is striking. You have certainly met the challenge. I really look forward to seeing more of your work in upcoming challenges.

  3. Great frog! I love inktense pencils, too. IMO if you had made just a small light area on the left you would get a little more depth...but its great and congrats for getting it done.

  4. Great frog. Nice shading and texture with the use of threads. I wouldn't change a thing.

  5. Nice depth and contrast. The only thing I would suggest is to move him away from the middle.

  6. I love your frog. Such a happy little guy. I aldo ould like to seer a lighter spot, however I do love it the wayit is. Great quilting.

    Pat Havey

  7. This is an incredible piece... I think he wants to live at my house?
    I wouldn't change a thing...

  8. This is an incredible piece... I think he wants to live at my house?
    I wouldn't change a thing...

  9. Really met the challenge well and he looks like he's ready to jump right out at me!

  10. Ribbit Ribbit... great job. What would happen if you cropped the background and maybe even some of the happy frog? He's just sort of hanging out in the middle! Love his expression!

  11. I'd say you aced the challenge. With a little work on the composition, I think this would make a great full size quilt.

  12. What a charming little guy :-) I love him just the way he is, however I wonder if it might make a stronger composition if you moved him from dead center? Great job...


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