Sunday, October 31, 2010

Louise's Autumn's Farewell

I am posting my piece for Challenge 50 entitled 'Autumns' Farewell'. I began by taking a picture of fall leaves and manipulating and enhancing it in Photoshop Elements until I was happy with it. I then added another layer of branches in PSE made to look like a stamp. The top layer was of the haiku I wrote. I then merged all the layers together and printed them out on white fabric treated with Digital Grounds by Golden. (I am a firm believer in using the Digital Grounds to treat the fabric because it really enables the print to be much brighter and clearer.) The bottom piece was done by layering pressed, dried leaves between two layers of fusible web. I placed this sandwich onto of black fabric, layed netting over the top, and fused all three layers together. After joining the two pieces I highlighted three of the leaves with inks and then threadpainted and quilted it. I was even able to complete it within the week, so I am very happy about that!


  1. So glad to see your work here on the blog Louise, so much easier to appreciate! It is a lovely piece and certainly fits your haiku. I like the real leaves and the poem on the face of your artwork.
    Well done!

  2. Nice work , and you have used so many different techniques. The piece certainly fits well with your Haiku.

  3. What a terrific idea to use real leaves in this way! I can't wait to try it. Your work with photoshop is very good and so effective. Lovely haiku too...

  4. Louise,
    What an interesting variety of techniques you used to get your very successful piece! It will be fun to see how the leaves hold up over time.

  5. Louise,
    I really enjoyed the process description and the result is certainly beautiful. I would love to see this one in person someday.

    :Diane - yarngoddess


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