Thursday, October 28, 2010

Missing the Music

When I read this HAIKU poem by Soseki I immediately thought of an old woman thinking about days gone by.

An old woman

draws her shawl closer

scent of tea roses.

I appliqued the woman, crocheted her shawl, machine embroidered the dancers, and hand embroidered the words and music.

I really had a good time making her.

I'm not happy with my quilting but otherwise I like it.



  1. You've done a wonderful redition of your chosen poem. I love the way you've included her thoughts of times past overhead. Great job!

  2. I like this piece, very fitting for the Haiku. What if the music notes were place on a more wavy/broken line? They might not look quite so static? The figures dancing is a wonderful addition. Great job.

  3. Betty, this is so cool! Great way to depict the Haiku you chose. I am really taken with that little crocheted shawl! And I am sure if I could get close enought I could smell the roses...
    I agree with Rhoda, tho'... you could even add another short set of notes.. lilting..?
    Great job!

  4. Betty, what a wonderful depiction of your poem. Can't help but wonder what the music is that is floating through her memory? It would be nice to see some motion in this piece pulling the memories and the music together with the woman. The crocheted shawl is very sweet!

  5. Hi Betty, This piece is very poignant. The woman so separate from her memories is very touching. If that is not what you wanted to portray, I think a few notes floating up from her image to the stanza of music might connect them (IMHO). This is a great response to the challenge. Good work. Also, how wonderful to include the crochet work. It adds so much to the overall feel.

  6. Hi Betty, I've seen this little lady in some of your other pieces over the years...nice to see her again and in such a sweet moment. Good job!

  7. I absolutely adore this one. You've done such a wonderful job depicting the Haiku you chose. I love all the work you did, the shawl, the "memories" the music and adding the verse to the quilt. I especially love the added touch of the rose she's holding to her nose for a smell :-D

  8. Betty,
    This piece evokes instant nostalgia! Including the haiku on the front is a great choice in my opinion as well as the music and the dancers in the background. I appreciate the extra effort with the shawl and the rose.

  9. Is her hair also dimensional? The shawl really adds to the piece. Very poignant piece. She's certainly reliving a good memory. Nice job!

  10. Thank you, everyone.

    Yes, the hair and the rose are also dimensional.

  11. I love your depiction of the dancers in the left upper corner. Are they threadpainted or just painted. The texture on the old woman is wondeful!

  12. Such a lovely nostalgic picture. I'm sure we all feel that we know this woman and I for one really connect to your piece. Very nice

  13. The dancers were machine embroidered.



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