Saturday, October 30, 2010

Oceans of Notions

 I have done some editing on my "Oceans of Notions" quilt so I wanted to enter the updated picture. 

I added more sayings and colored some of them to add more color interest. Sorry about the shadow. It really isn't there.


While cleaning out my notions drawer I came up with the idea of making a quilt out of notions. When the haiku challenge came about the idea grew and this is what resulted. I used purchased fabric for the background (water). The fish is hand painted, fused and stitched down, and decorated with snaps. The fish line is elastic, the scissors are lame and the eel is half a zipper tape. The border on two sides is a measuring tape. I tried to think of all the old saws that deal with sewing notions. Even the word notion has two meanings - as in "I have half a notion". I"m afraid my machine didn't do a very good job with the words so I may have to try some of them again. Thank you for a very fun challenge. My Haiku

Oceans of notions
Names used in unusual ways
Many are a stretch

Pat Havey


  1. Pat, what a fun time you must have had with this challenge, using some of your notions was a great idea, and you used them in such a clever way. I especially love all the snaps on the fish.

  2. It's fun and imaginative. I like the snaps, too, and the little sea urchins.

  3. Fun!! Great imagination and clever use of the notions. Great texture and I like all the stitched sayings.

  4. Fun to look at and enjoy! I love the hand painted fish. Nice job!

  5. Pat,
    This is a truly unique piece with a lot of thought put into it. I love your fish, you did a wonderful job painting it and the snaps add bling and texture to him. I enjoyed reading all the sayings and your use of notions in a creative way. Great piece! My only suggestion would be to add a little shading under the fish to make him stand out more if you wanted.

    Louise Page

  6. What a fun piece Pat! I agree with Louise on the shading. I like the tape measure binding. You really made a poignant statement about the small stuff in our sewing rooms.
    Good job!

  7. This is truly a wonderful work of intriguing embellishments. I love the background it works so well, and the words...wonderful.
    Great job.

  8. This piece is so much fun! You did a terrific job painting the "red snapper"! I love it :-)


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