Saturday, October 30, 2010

Beneath clear, blue seas
Diving on a brief visit
Among colorful fish

I finished quilting and thread painting this quilt on Friday. Lots of practice with my new Horizon that worked perfectly. The white "heart" in the original photo was thread painted with pink thread to make it look like a fan coral. I also added a second, smaller fan coral and a second long-tailed fish. I added a lot of thread painting to the maroon coral on the far right. The fish were not quilted-just outlined stitched and then lightly brushed with gel sparkle paint. Black sea urchins were thread painted on the sand at the bottom plus real shells were added. The coral and the water were extensively quilted and if you enlarge the photo (click on the photo, then click on the enlarged one), you should see these details. I also added several lines of silver thread to mimic the sun coming through the water. The finished size is 25" X 30". This was definitely not a fast project but it was an enjoyable one even if I was pushing myself to complete it. I've wanted to do an ocean quilt for ages so thanks for the challenge that encouraged me to get to it.

Just a note-in real life, seeing the fish and coral while diving is not nearly as colorful as this quilt. You need a light or a camera with a filter to get the true color. But it is a fascinating world to visit if only for a brief time.

Nancy Schlegel in Albany NY


  1. Nancy

    You have captured the clear blue sea and the colourful fish very well. I particularly like the left side fish, which has a movement about it, and I wonder if that could be more effective on the right side,leading your eye into the picture, or perhaps repeated.

  2. Very nice Nancy, lot's of interesting items to keep the eye moving around the piece. It will be gorgeous once it is stitched.
    Great Haiku and interpretation of it.

  3. Hi Nancy, one of my favorite things, too...diving in the sparkling ocean with colorful fish. This is vivid and nicely composed. The only thing that sticks out to me is the white coral...perhaps it can be softened or blended with the quilting thread? Or add a few other areas of white?
    Good sure to post the finished piece!

  4. This is a nice piece! When I looked at the water fabric up close I see fish shapes swimming there, too. Do you? I agree with Cynthia that the lone piece of white coral sticks out too much. Perhaps another lower right? Or maybe some thread painting over the white with another color and extending into the surrounding area like it's growing outward?

    I like your autumn Haiku, too. Haven't we had a gorgeous fall this year?

  5. The white coral bothers me as well. I didn't know what it was until I read Kathy's comment. I love the bright colors and the composition is good. Hope to see it when it's finished

  6. I see so many fish in the background 'water'.. this is fabulous! Since it isn't finished, I am thinking you will add other coral, texture to it and maybe more to the reef itself... looking forward to seeing it completed.
    Please do let us know.

  7. Mkes me ant to go diving it is so lovely. I love al the fish in the bakground

    Pat havey

  8. I knew the white coral was sticking out and am planning to do a lot of stitching on it which I hope will subdue the whiteness. If not, I'll use your suggestions and add it somewhere else also. Thanks for your comments.


  9. Makes me want to book a diving trip. The fish in the water fabric really adds some dimension to your appliqued fish. Look forward to seeing it quilted and how you dealt with the white "heart".

  10. I am in love with your background fabric, so much movement and clarity, just like water. Would you consider trapuntoing some of those fish on the background fabric and then maybe washing them with a watered down metallic paint? I did a fractured piece of and underwater scene for an exhibit at Sisters Oregon Quilt Show this year and used metallic gel pins on my fish, it was fun and effective! You also might consider using some yarns and ribbons or free standing threadpainted, ocean plants over some of the piece to give depth and texture. I also agree that the left top fish, if turned over and painted on the back side of the fabric, would lead the eye back into the scene. I really like all of your colorful fish and the rocks on the bottom. You have done a wonderful job!

  11. Nancy,
    Your background fabric was the perfect choice - I can almost see the fish moving through the water! I also love the coral fabrics but agree that the white is a little stark for the rest of the piece. I look forward to seeing it finished!

  12. Stay tuned for the finished product. Having done some thread painting it already looks ten times better. I am planning to just quilt around the fish and in the water so that will hopefully make the fish stand out. Using metallic paint over the fish is a great suggestion-will play with it to see how it looks. This is not a FAST FFFC piece!

  13. I particularly love the 'arch' with the fish peeking through. Makes me want to go diving again too. Like that's going to happen...LOL Looking forward to the stitched version

  14. Nancy, I really can't add anything to what the others have already said. Great piece, makes one want to run to the water, can't wait to see it finished.

  15. Talk about a transformation...this is so realistic it totally draws one into the ocean on a virtual dive! Your stitching is spot on and adds the perfect finishing touch to an already interesting piece. I particularly love the silver glints of light in the water. Well done!

  16. I love it. Very realistic. I especially like the way you used thread painting to make the ferny black coral. Great job, and worth the effort to finish it for sure!


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