Thursday, October 28, 2010

Red Head by Cynthia Ann Morgan

I chose a Haiku from the Haiku Anthology of the best English language haiku. Most of the haiku in the book are not the written in the three lines of 5-7-5, but focuses on the substance of what makes a haiku…concision, perception and awareness. There were so many good ones, it was hard to choose. I settled on this one by Raymond Roseliep because of the vivid color it evoked.

in white tulips

the rooster’s red head


As far as the second part of the challenge, using stitch as a prominent part of the piece: I used a darker thread for the background quilting sort of like a color wash to blend the various colors in the hand dyed fabric background.

Thanks for a fun challenge, Kathy. I’m enjoying what everyone else has done so far, too.

Comments welcome.



  1. Thanks in advance for your comments!

  2. Your rooster looks quite regal among the tulips. Very realistic tulip field and nice background quilting. Nice dye on the backgroud fabric. You accomplished good yellow and blue without getting a lot of green. The green is in just right spots!

  3. This is a wonderful, happy piece! Anyone who has been around chickens knows they will turn up anywhere. The background fabric is perfect and so is that you chose for the rooster. The background fabric helps move your eye around the piece and back to the rooster. The tulips look almost real. Great job!

  4. This is a studding compostion and very well done. It looks like a painting from a distance. I first thought the rooster was a photograph. Really a show stopper.

  5. That is suppose to be 'stunning' not 'studding'. Too tired to be doing this.

  6. Oh! Cynthia this is stunning. It perfectly depicts the Haiku. The colors are fab background fits perfect. I would have this on my wall any day.

  7. Your piece does depict the haiku you chose and I especially like the dark stitch meander quilting on the background to blend. I am wondering if there would be a way to write your poem... red ink on white.. I think it would be cool... but that is just me.

  8. Cynthia, this piece is quite striking, especially because it has so many areas of contrast, both is value and subject matter. Excellent choice of a haiku, and excellent interpretation of it! Your quilting adds the right amount of texture to make it all come together.

  9. Hi Cynthia, This is a beautiful piece. It has just the right amount of detail. As others have said, the contrast is the right amount and in the right place. The background fabric is wonderful. Your selection of fabric for the rooster is great. Thanks for the reference to the Haiku Anthology. I will go looking for it.

    Great challenge response.

  10. Another truly wonderful piece. Your tulips and rooster are terrific and you have done an awesome job matching your quilt to the Haiku, I agree that it does look like a painting. Great job!

  11. This is a wonderful piece, Cynthia.
    That rooster looks so proud of himself sitting among the tulips.
    Do you think he tiptoed to get there? (or are you too young to remember that song?)

  12. Cynthia,
    The contrast between your rooster and the white tulips is wonderful - the focal point is obvious without being overwhelming. As always, your stitching is perfect for the background and the use of darker thread adds movement and interest.

  13. I agree with all the comments which have been left to date. The rooster is placed just so, he really does appear to be taking a stroll through the tulips. The yellow and blue background fabric seems to push the other elements forward. A very nice piece.


  14. I think this must be exactly what the poet saw when he wrote this haiku. It's perfect!


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